Sleaze in Cozumel

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As an "outsider" here, I have to say this appears to be a spot-on statement.

All the best, James
I guess, if you consider posts which disagree with what you have said to be "woe on you", but there is no conspiracy. No one is going to visit you and break your kneecaps in the middle of the night.
Agreed, I think the ones taking offense to it are the main Scuba Mau/Opal Kool-Aid drinkers......Dave seems to just be venting some reality to the masses and some people don't like to hear it. How dare he say that my favorite dive shop formed by breaking off from another dive shop and was funded by a well meaning client!


I have never been anywhere near Cozumel…

I feel the same way about Dave's original post. I think all the Facebook postings got some people emotional and then they came to this thread. What we know from the postings may be a small part of the drama being played out in Cozumel over this but I'm not there so I don't know.

… and I don’t do Facebook.

How this thread has turned out is exactly why I said I did not see any percentage for him in making the post he did. If it was well intentioned, it was expressed very poorly. If it wasn’t the concerns are justified.

I do find it sad that those that are defending what he wrote are doing so by attacking / demeaning those who didn’t like it. I have no dog in this fight, but as a business person it is my opinion that from a PR perspective he made a bad decision weighing in on the topic. It didn’t involve him or his shop. Yes, he has a right to an opinion. But when you rely on public perception for your living, sometimes it is smarter to stay out of something.

As a potential future customer, I have been turned off by this. This is not an issue of right or wrong, it is my opinion, my reaction to the statement – it just is. And that is the risk you run when you put your business in front of an issue that really doesn’t involve you.

Still waiting to see whats up with the "Cool aid drinkers" comment. Two trips with them and never got Cool aid!
I'd call that a dumb crack, and I hope the poster regrets saying it.
Dear Gcarter,

I did not see any personal "upside" in making the first post and perhaps you are right, maybe I should not have done so since it did not involve my business. But is the only time to make a post--when I see and "upside" or risk for my company ? I don't think so!

No, I don't do that and consider myself part of this Scubaboard community and that I may just have some personal insights that I could share with the board—and have the balls to do so.

I was convinced that all the hoopla going on about Scuba Mau and Opal's Dream was way overblown and was in reality, not far out of the norm for the highly competitive behind the scenes activities in Cozumel. That you and others took it for more than that, I again apologize.

Dave Dillehay
Aldora Divers
Dear Gcarter,

I did not see any personal "upside" in making the first post and perhaps you are right, maybe I should not have done so since it did not involve my business. But is the only time to make a post--when I see and "upside" or risk for my company ? I don't think so!

No, I don't do that and consider myself part of this Scubaboard community and that I may just have some personal insights that I could share with the board—and have the balls to do so.

I was convinced that all the hoopla going on about Scuba Mau and Opal's Dream was way overblown and was in reality, not far out of the norm for the highly competitive behind the scenes activities in Cozumel. That you and others took it for more than that, I again apologize.

Dave Dillehay
Aldora Divers

+1 Dave.
Unbelievable how controversial a simple post of some information about the dive community is taken here.

Let's return to posting about the Tacos in Cozumel, seems to be the acceptable level of discussion allowed here.
I'm not sure what you're trying to start here Mike, tacos?! I'm sure if you spent any quality time at all on the island you would know that there is much better, and more varied food than tacos available! Wow, that was a pretty foodist comment, even for you. I guess I can decipher from your post that you think all food in Cozumel is bland and simple? You clearly haven’t been eating at the right places, because there are some, especially back in the hood that serve heaven on a plate. A number of these places are owned, and operated by folks who I see twice a year, so I suppose that maybe I get preferential treatment as I consider them to be family, as I’m sure they consider me. I'd be happy to spice up your dining experience, and steer you towards some of these great restaurants, but I need to place a few posts on Facebook first.... I heard the chef from my favorite restaurant just opened his own place and I need to be sure that the split was amicable and everyone is being fair and getting along before I'll be able to eat at, or recommend either place. I heard he took the best waiter in the place with him, which happens to be the nephew of the owner! If that's the case, I call dirty pool and I don't think I can eat there, even if it was the best mole ever! Of course, I read on CMC that the nephew was upset because his uncle wouldn't pay him more, but everyone knows that the uncle helped pay for his car so, really, I think that he owes him, don't you? Anyway, I will get back to you with a list of pre-approved, internet forum researched restaurants that will not insult our entitled vacationer’s sense of business ethics, and tastes great. Because everyone knows that the best food on the planet is in Cozumel.
I'm not sure what you're trying to start here Mike, tacos?! I'm sure if you spent any quality time at all on the island you would know that there is much better, and more varied food than tacos available! Wow, that was a pretty foodist comment, even for you. I guess I can decipher from your post that you think all food in Cozumel is bland and simple? You clearly haven’t been eating at the right places, because there are some, especially back in the hood that serve heaven on a plate. A number of these places are owned, and operated by folks who I see twice a year, so I suppose that maybe I get preferential treatment as I consider them to be family, as I’m sure they consider me. I'd be happy to spice up your dining experience, and steer you towards some of these great restaurants, but I need to place a few posts on Facebook first.... I heard the chef from my favorite restaurant just opened his own place and I need to be sure that the split was amicable and everyone is being fair and getting along before I'll be able to eat at, or recommend either place. I heard he took the best waiter in the place with him, which happens to be the nephew of the owner! If that's the case, I call dirty pool and I don't think I can eat there, even if it was the best mole ever! Of course, I read on CMC that the nephew was upset because his uncle wouldn't pay him more, but everyone knows that the uncle helped pay for his car so, really, I think that he owes him, don't you? Anyway, I will get back to you with a list of pre-approved, internet forum researched restaurants that will not insult our entitled vacationer’s sense of business ethics, and tastes great. Because everyone knows that the best food on the planet is in Cozumel.

Did I say tacos? I meant to say Crunchwrap Supreme®
I am not going to point fingers at anyone in particular, but a recurring theme I see in this forum is people complaining about the "party line", and what opinions are "allowed", etc. Some have even gone so far as to accuse the forum moderators of influencing content by deleting dissenting posts for reasons other than promoting civil discourse.

IMO, this is nonsense. When you post something that someone disagrees with, they are as free as you are to post their opinion. When you post something that a lot of folks disagree with, it is reasonable to expect that many of them will speak up in opposition to what you have said. It doesn't mean that there is a conspiracy of censorship afoot, it just means that a number of people hold opinions that differ from yours. There is no Central Scrutinizer.

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