Skin so soft?

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The latter provided protection by trapping the midges in the oily film and not by repelling the insects as did the deet formulations

I met a DM on Utila once who used mineral oil to protect against sand bugs, probably the same way.


Kind of like the old local remedy of slathering yourself with coconut oil
My advice: If you're done passing down the family's precious DNA, have a nice cocktail of DEET mixed with Flor de Cana Rum. DEET works and it has been proven to do so. Apply DEET often and liberally. No, it has never been scientifically proven to affect the reef, but shower it off just before you dive~ why not?

The other remedies, potions and patches might or might not, depending on which witch doctor you're believing this week. Simply not proven effective by anyone. I've seen flea collars used as anklets~ it attracted the resort dog checking for new meat and gave the gal kind of a tropical-punk look. Those electronic gadgets with the ultrasonic shield? Pisses off the bats and wastes batteries.

Kind of like the old local remedy of slathering yourself with coconut oil

This was also some sort of party lubricant, much like the aforementioned Flor de Cana Rum.

Has anyone tried a BP/W? They seem to be the cure-all for everything.

Very seldom seen on Roatan. Might have to check that out. Add pony tanks and can lights to the list. Split fins. That's it. (Most of us are already old-timey Moffers and that aint workin')

Don... we did use dryer sheet and they seemed to work some with the sand gnats here. I think they are worse here than in Roatan if that is possible.

No, that is not possible.:eyebrow: Roatan has the best sand flies. Try stitching the dryer sheets into some sort of natty sweater. Get it? "natty":rofl3: Some people just use them as underarm pads. A very nice look.

If you really want to know if SSS, B1, Garlic, Snake oil, or iguana sperm repel the bugs then just try it.

I've oiled a few snakes in my day, but the hard part is coaxing an iguana to contribute.

Looking at the toxic ingredients involved, perhaps they could be effective on some insects, but with what complications...?

Don, as always, you share a lot of good research, but did you ever find out what they spray on the beach and decks for the bugs every morning at the resort that keeps y'all so bug-free at FIBR? Next visit, take a read at the can. (I can hardly even say dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, much less spell it)

Worry about the big stuff, drink the DEET... or try the handy three pack of the once-a-week dose in:doctor:suppository form- available at MallWart. :wink: (And as I have said before, if that fails: Nasonex dabbed on the bite)
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did you ever find out what they spray on the beach and decks for the bugs every morning at the resort that keeps y'all so bug-free at FIBR? Next visit, take a read at the can. (I can hardly even say dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, much less spell it)

No idea what they may use but if you ask someone there I am sure you will find it is environmentally friendly, biodegradeable, will not harm humans or any other animal life, may even act as a fertilizer for the plants and doesn't even hurt the bugs, it gently coaxes them away in a non threatening manner.
Got an email today saying to use Listerine to sprayed around the yard to repel skeeters. Doubt it helps...
Don, as always, you share a lot of good research, but did you ever find out what they spray on the beach and decks for the bugs every morning at the resort that keeps y'all so bug-free at FIBR? Next visit, take a read at the can. (I can hardly even say dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, much less spell it)
Oh, you're accusing FI of using DDT? You've accused me of using Spare Air (never!), but I'm still not kissing your ring.
Probably won't work Don, but the bites will be minty fresh!
Oh, you're accusing FI of using DDT?

Not at all, DDon, just since you are there so often, and that you really are so well read on this exact subject, next time you go through, do a little detective work. Like RTBDiver says above, don't just ask them, get the real story and go have a look.

BTW, the use of DDT in Honduras is perfectly legal... if that's what they are using. I doubt it's Listerine, though!
I was stationed in Savannah, GA in the mid/late 70s. Each year, we were invaded by biting gnats. This was the first time I heard of using Skin So Soft and it worked. With that said, gnats were the only thing it worked on. Forget the mosquitos and chiggers. Oh yeah......It also was the source for many comments concerning a tent full of dirty grimy soldiers smelling like the inside of a French cat house.
I was there May 21st-28th and used Deet. It definitely worked. I
forgot to apply it once during a lunch SI the first day and the
sand flies reminded me that although you don't see them they
exist and they aren't afraid to bite you that's for sure. Clothing
was also partially effective. I wore long pants/jeans and socks to
avoid the bites. The beasts couldn't get through the socks but
they were apparently crawling/flying up my leg between my
socks and jeans and biting me between the tops of my socks
and my knee. The bites seem to have different effects for each
person. It wasn't that bad for me but for others the bites were
really itchy. From my point of view the mosquitos in North Texas
are far worse than noseeums on Roatan but this may depend on
where you're from and what you're used to in your local area.
One thing I noticed right away is the locals weren't using Deet
or anything else I could see. And asking around confirmed it.
You can get immune to it after awhile apparently. I quit using
Deet after a couple of days there. It took a couple of days of
toughing it out but there weren't bothering me much for the rest
of my stay. I think they were still biting me but my body wasn't
overreacting like the first day. The bites as wounds are so tiny
after all and only took a day or two to heal up (for me - others
are effected more seriously) . Not sure if I would recommend it
to others but that was my experience. If you suck it you may
spend your whole vacation getting eaten by those beasts and
not gain any immunity anyway like I was lucky enough to. Have
a great trip and don't forget the Deet!
I was there May 21st-28th and used Deet. It definitely worked.
DEET Has been proven and tested more than any other repellant, Should not be a surprise it worked.
The bites seem to have different effects for each
That has been the consensus here for years and one of the reasons it is silly to ask for advise as to what works best. Kind of like asking what type of wetsuit to wear when we all know everone is different when it comes to water temp, BUT, people still ask

It wasn't that bad for me but for others the bites were
really itchy. From my point of view the mosquitos in North Texas
are far worse than noseeums on Roatan but this may depend on
where you're from and what you're used to in your local area.

BUT, Are you also concerned much with Malaria and Dengue fever with those pesky mosquitoes in texas? Even the worst disease carrying critters do not get you with their bite, its the effects afterwards.

One thing I noticed right away is the locals weren't using Deet
or anything else I could see. And asking around confirmed it.

This is odd in that i live part time in one of the original island communities and many I spend time with are regularly bothered by the critters. I am talking family names like Brooks, Bodden, Hyde and others who are direct from when they came from Caymans many many years ago and they will all accept bug spray if available. Do they get red itchy bumps? No, Neither do i but they are still pesky. Of course the Mosquito disease thing is always there as well
If you suck it you may
spend your whole vacation getting eaten by those beasts and
not gain any immunity anyway
And if your not using a repellant I hope your wearing long pants, Shirt, Socks and all the coverings when not in a divesuit of some sort. The noseeums.sandflies can be bad, The mosquitoes can very VERY serious.
I do not want to come across as the sky is falling chicken little guy but for goodness sake, take it serious. The Honduran Ministry of Health has recorded over 10,200 cases of Dengue, over 450 of Hemmorragic <sp> Dengue and over a dozen related deaths. Do you want to trust your bug protection to some un proven home remedy or discontinue use because you think your immune? ?
It is very rare , epecially for week or so travellers BUT it can happen, Please, Use this information and other information to help make a truly informed decision.


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