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Intro into Tech would be a great class to take, I want to learn about doubles, is this the correct class?
Intro into Tech would be a great class to take, I want to learn about doubles, is this the correct class?

Don't you already come equipped with some? :confused:
I should clarify that it's a lecture about it and not a class.

I took my nitrox class and it was required i make dives for it. I really liked the instructor and I feel like I learned a lot from him. I have a buddy from college who is a tech diver and been doing it for many years, and we discuss what is taught and practiced and everything seems right.

No one that I have been diving with has complained about how I dive other than air time, which is expect is because I'm new to diving.

Afaik, they are safety first, as I they won't let me do any deep dives or night dives without advanced workshop, take that as you may, I feel they are right in that I should do some with an instructor first.

I'm always up for dives, so if you want to let me in on one, if I can afford it (which takes some budget planning) or it's a beach dive, I'm in. I'm always up for learning too :)
Weekends next month == good to go, cept the 1st and 2nd (NYC) :D

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