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CD now that would really narrow it down :wink:

I have not seen you in a certain place much today.
Worm I got you email about the S/dive
o_O lol :D Mmmm. I feel like I could... I could... TAKE OVER THE WORLD. O_O! Now if only I could remember how.

Anyways, yeah lemme know for singles dive.
The thing is I have not seen many people going out and spending the $ to dive, also it seems to be a bad time for me to plan anything with all the hoopla surrounding my every move. This divergirl girl is worn out. :)
Is this a wormil will plan it event :D
Ok, everyone who is single and wants to do a beach dive post "I WANT TO DO A DIVE" (it needs 5 letters lol) so I can get a count, pick a date, and plan an after beach dive event :D Unless another diver wants to lead the charge forward in playing diving cupid. If you are from out of the Ft Lauderdale area, and want to join in, but need a place to stay, also include that. If you are from the Ft Lauderdale area and want to open your home to some one, say so as well. Then we'll go from there :D

W00 W00.
Not to put a wrench in your plans, but due to wind direction and suspended particulate in the water most people find they can't plan a beach dive in advance. It's one of those things that is best set up the night before, or even the day of. A 'Singles' dive off of a cattle boat could be planned because you'll generally get below the crappy vis with those. With the beach dive, however, the vis can be really bad. When it gets that bad I used to try to convince whomever my diving buddy at the moment was to swim the LONG distance out to the +20 foot ledge (usually worked to get under the bad stuff and away from the beach sands).

I think that the first beach dive I ever tried to do was a planned dive (a few days in advance). We ended up never entering the water due to conditions, and eating breakfast at a local diner instead.

Pick a back-up go-to diner and your planning will be complete.
Yeah Yeah, backup plan will be included, once we get a general feeling for how many people will be going. :D
My beef with a boat is, even if we plan it, and it's too rough, they can call it. :/ Then we're still just going with the backup plan lol.
Ok, I'm game. Wormil, since you're planning it, pick a date and time and we will go from there.

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