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I got a great back up plan. If the weather is bad I can throw shark teeth in my pool and you guys can dive from there. :rofl3:
No one that I have been diving with has complained about how I dive other than air time, which is expect is because I'm new to diving.

I still have bruises and I can't quite turn my neck since we dove, but I'm not complaining! :rofl3: j/k!!!
oh my worm is an abusive diver :wink:
oh my worm is an abusive diver :wink:

It's all lies :O I'm innocent. It was the surge, I swear :D
Are you going on my awesome singles dive? :D

I still have bruises and I can't quite turn my neck since we dove, but I'm not complaining! :rofl3: j/k!!!

:D Yeah. My bad. I'm blaming it on the rain :D

I got a great back up plan. If the weather is bad I can throw shark teeth in my pool and you guys can dive from there. :rofl3:

Does this mean you are coming over for the singles dive?
If you are wanting to come on the dive I'm planning, but alas, you don't want to post, just send me a PM, I'm making a list but leaving names off of it. Unless you think that's bad, then I'll stick your name right on it :D
Official Information:

Date: TBA
Location: TBA
Backup Plan: It prolly involves more rum.

Current people count: 3
People needing a place: 0
People offering a place: 0
Last edited:
It's all lies :O I'm innocent. It was the surge, I swear :D
Are you going on my awesome singles dive? :D

:D Yeah. My bad. I'm blaming it on the rain :D

Does this mean you are coming over for the singles dive?
We have to see what the vis,weather conditions are like off the beach. No use of killin each other if we can find anything but white sand.
It's been suggested that we hold off a beach dive. So Instead, maybe a singles fun afternoon :D
hmmmm what kinda of fun? lol
I want to tell you worm I think you are great, so many on this board have been unkind and you just let it roll off without a negative word. Wormil is awesome :) and I will come to the singles party. :)

Nice guy ladies, better grab him quick :wink:

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