Seeking the DIR Answer: Must DIR Shops be Committed?

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BTW...what are the policy setters in DIR or GEU it one or two people or a larger group than that?
The Borg travel in groups of nine. :wink:

No...what I pondering was that an Instructor can teach a DIR class and say certain things on Monday, and then take a group of non-DIR tourist divers to a very deep wreck and penetrate the next day, on Tuesday....and I was wondering if the HQ's or key people of DIR ever had any directives that spoke to that...

especially in light of the fact sometimes these people will often say that people "like me" have no business in a certain wreck because I am not "trained."

that is what prompted the question. For anybody who thinks that is bashing DIR, well, they are jumping the gun.

BTW...what are the policy setters in DIR or GEU it one or two people or a larger group than that?

There are three, and I would pick up the phone and call them to help deal with the issue except for the fact that there are no GUE instructors in Hawaii. Anyone can claim to be a DIR instructor, but that doesn't mean much. You need to pull the stick out and get on with life.
BTW...what are the policy setters in DIR or GEU it one or two people or a larger group than that?

Here is a link to all appropriate people.

I would suspect the authoritative people would be the 'Training Council' with each individual member participating on the areas of their expertiese; and the 'authoritative' communication coming from the training director, Jarrod. For example, David Rhea is a Cave 2 instructor, and he wouldn't be the focal point for a Tech oriented question/consideration, etc..
No...what I pondering was that an Instructor can teach a DIR class and say certain things on Monday, and then take a group of non-DIR tourist divers to a very deep wreck and penetrate the next day, on Tuesday....and I was wondering if the HQ's or key people of DIR ever had any directives that spoke to that... I'm still not completely clear on the answer because I thought the responses were a little mixed. It also seems as though it might depend on regional differences and sizes of population centers and popularity of the DIR philosohy as far as the economis of the shops. (so thats what I gleened from the responses, the rest was really addressing the if I should be even asking the question)

Has this actually happened or are you thinking hypothetically?
In other words, can I sell Halcyon, market and sell Fundies, etc and still dive non-DIR tourist divers on clearly non-DIR compliant profiles and practices?

This was my original question

I am asking if it is kosher and if not, at what level.

So..a GUE instructor could NOT do this, but a Halcyon dealer who brings in a GUE Instructor to say teach the courses..would not have an issue with GUE if operating dives outside of the tenets?

or did someone say a GUE Instructor could teach other classes? (I thought Mania did)

and is there a distinction made for just guiding dives?
This was my original question

I am asking if it is kosher and if not, at what level.

So..a GUE instructor could NOT do this, but a Halcyon dealer who brings in a GUE Instructor to say teach the courses..would not have an issue with GUE if operating dives outside of the tenets?

or did someone say a GUE Instructor could teach other classes? (I thought Mania did)

and is there a distinction made for just guiding dives?

DIR instructors are not taking tourists on dives. Most I know restrict their business to the DIR interested. E.g. not doing cavern tours for non-DIRF graduates.

Are you asking in a roundabout way if you were to complete a GUE instructor path would you still be able to dive however you wanted to outside of classes?

The answer would be sorta. If you flaunted your strokery ways I imagine they'd kick you out. If you quietly took people on tours or solo dived without making a spectacle of yourself I doubt anyone would notice or care. Likewise if you chain smoked publically or discretely.
not doing cavern tours for non-DIRF graduates.

Fundies doesn't teach anything about diving in an overhead environment...
Yes, but the buoyancy, trim, and non-silting kicks taught in GUE-F are a nice addition if you're taking someone on a cavern tour. :wink:

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