Seeking the DIR Answer: Must DIR Shops be Committed?

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I only go by what you say. If you like/want to hold back information, then do not be surprised when the answer is not to your liking.

It seems that every post you make, something new is revealed.

Ahhh yeah, questions get asked, I reveal answers the best I can. I'm sorry I didn't write 10 paragraphs in my first post. I'm not holding back anything. In fact I think I'm explaining myself quite well here.
I made no such judgement.

Please show me where I did.

Originally Posted by JeffG
I know what would make me say that...but I don't think you would like the answer.
Steve R
hehhehe, it crossed my mind

Well first you assumed the comment was made by a student and not an instrucor.
Then, as I see it, you assumed a student made the comment about diving with me.

Am I correct in the assumption? And if I am, then yes I feel you are making a judgement on my diving based on that assumption.
In fact I think I'm explaining myself quite well here.
That explains a lot.
Originally Posted by JeffG
I know what would make me say that...but I don't think you would like the answer.
Steve R
hehhehe, it crossed my mind

Well first you assumed the comment was made by a student and not an instrucor.
Then, as I see it, you assumed a student made the comment about diving with me.

Am I correct in the assumption? And if I am, then yes I feel you are making a judgement on my diving based on that assumption.
a whole lot of assumptions there.
That explains a lot.

Dude, you're just looking to cause trouble or what? You just keep leading, whatever.
No wonder why this forum has gone downhill. One simple question, really, was all I asked and I get into this?
Dude, you're just looking to cause trouble or what? You just keep leading, whatever.
No wonder why this forum has gone downhill. One simple question, really, was all I asked and I get into this?

I agree with you... he's off his meds I think.
a whole lot of assumptions there.

Well maybe, but I got my original answer from some more level headed posters.
No need to continue as I see it. Unless someone has more questions for me, Im gone.

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