Seeking the DIR Answer: Must DIR Shops be Committed?

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With so much discussion regarding "compliance" I find myself wondering what level of compliance the Halcyon retailers and DIR operators (dive shops that bring in the prestigious well known Instructors) and sell/market Fundies, are asked to have.

In other words, can I sell Halcyon, market and sell Fundies, etc and still dive non-DIR tourist divers on clearly non-DIR compliant profiles and practices?

Why do you ask??
Yes I paid for a course. I learned. At the end I asked what my chances were of hooking up with DIR divers to practice what I just learned. I explained the responce I got.

What I'm trying to say is that, now that I had some defined skills, ie: frog kick, helicopter, DIR "trim" if you will, and a better mindset to get into this stuff, AND I just paid for a course, kind of moot, but still reinforces that I'm committed to learn this to some degree, I would think I would have gotten a different answer, "maybe talk to his guy" or " try to hookup with the other students in your class" or "this divemaster is always looking to practice" NOT "yeah you could show up but I doubt you'd find anyone willing to dive with you".

Sounds a bit "standoffish" to me.

I don't care what anyone says, what if that was my answer to YOU when you were learning? Anyone?

I think that's a rare response.

I also believe that what happens is an unfortunate consequence of not having enough time in the day/week/month to get out ond dive with people that have taken a class from you to continue fostering that type of diving.

In a pefect world no-one would be left behind, but the reality is most people need to hook up with a buddy who is like minded and skilled, and just get out and dive the way you were taught. Then come back for a tune-up, get together with the "crew" for a fun dive with your buddy in tow or seek out further training in the methodology.

When is someone allowed to take the instructor/mentor hat off and put the "I'm here for me on this dive" hat on anyway?
I just lost everything I typed. BRB......
thanks catherine96821

She's blonde. She probably has already forgotten the "Why" :wink:

Actually, it sounds like there is way more to the story than this.

Nope just a comment, still waiting for an answer to "what would you think if you got that reponce while learning?"

If this is the scenario....
Not it's not...But I knew this was coming....I must be a bad diver.......
If I was on a course with another diver and at the end of the course I told him that I wouldn't dive with him.
It wasn't a student diver I was in class with. In fact the were several divers that wanted to hook up, and to be honest a few of them I would not dive with.[/QUOTE]

I know what would make me say that...but I don't think you would like the answer.

Well here goes for the record. Make your own conclusions. I was the ONLY student in the class in MY OWN DIR kit. OK to be fair at least 90% kit but exceeded the class requirements. All of the other students were in shop rigs. I've been diving this rig after dive 10 or so after AOW 5 years ago. Many students were fresh out of AOW and some were fairly new (2-5 year) vaca divers looking to fix all the bad habits they were taught. Several divers including myself had 100-300 dives and were at a different level if you will. I learned what I set out to learn, mainly kicking technique and to refine my trim but also pulled a lot more out of it as I'm sure most of you can attest to. I actually had several divers want to hook up with me but so far that has not happened. I'm told maybe 50% will go on. I had some problems doing some skills mid-water as the other diver could not hold position. Not uncommon with mis-matched skillsets.
...What I meant was, if I showed up, would I be able to hookup with some DIR divers to dive with and practice. The answer I should have gotten should have been like "well it may be tough to hookup as the teams may already be formed or something like that" NOT "you could but you'd probably wouldn't find anyone that would WANT to dive with you". Sounds a little arrogant to me. ...
It's a shame you got that answer. I wonder if the person who gave it to you even knew what they were talking about. Our local DIR group here in SE Michigan welcomes non-DIR divers to dive with us and see it they are interested. Many have taken up the offer. Some like it, some don't, some are intrigued but don't follow through, some get the bug and can't get enough of it. We dive with non-DIR divers, noobies and experienced alike. There's no particular exclusionary rule. In general, the more demanding the dives, the less willing we'd be to do the dive with a non-DIR diver, but that's about it. I don't think our group is particularly unique that way. Find some other more open-minded bunch to dive with.
Steve R:
hehhehe, it crossed my mind :crafty:

Actualy I have to ask myself, what is Steve R's or Jeff G's mindset or skillset.
For all I know.............

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