Can anyone give me any info on Abilene??
It doesn't look like Ike made it that far but maybe close, My daughter and her husband live there and I can't get hold of them.
I don't think he hit there at all. Lowell sent moisture up from Baja causing heavy rains in Lubbock and northeast thru where I am, but no biggie really. If you search Google News for Abilene, not much there. I'm sure you're anxious, but should be no problem.
The carnage of Ike is over I suppose, short of possible flooding as he breaks up dumping rain on Arkansas, Missouri, and on up thru the Midwest. Computers show him continuing along the St.Lawrence river then out across the Atlantic, but I suppose those will be simple rains and or maybe thunderstorms. It's been a rough 24 hours. I'm a long way for any direct affect, but they're still Texans - still my people.
I've been watching the news a lot as Ike and his surge approach, then slammed, then left for Dallas. They don't know I'm with them in heart, but I do. Wish I could do something, I'm tempted to fly in, but I'd just be in the way I suppose. They seem to be well organized in the various municipalities and their departments in how to deal with priorities.
I've always watched for any similarities with New Orleans after Katrina. Haven't noticed any; have you? The layout of the land is different, and the damages are not the same, but then - still pretty challenging in the swamp known as Houston Metro. No below sea level buidlings I guess; maybe that is the big difference.
All in all, we seem to be getting encouraging news, spirits good, help incoming, well organized, stores reopening Sunday to provide for the needs.
We are Texas. We survive. We resolve. We endure.