Secondary reg bungee'd around neck?

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Whats the point?? Isnt this the case with ALL dive gear. Dont we do stringent checks on out gear to ensure we find such problems.

Yes, like checking to make sure we don't have it configured in a way to pull the mouthpiece off the regulator and/or to create a choking hazard.

The picture on the Halcyon site isn't THAT small that you can't clearly see that the necklace is not zip tied TO the regulator, but rather that the necklace is placed BEHIND the zip-tie that secures the mouthpiece to the regulator:


I guess we must do it differently in the uk, although I may have overdone it with the two extra bungees, the basic concept of the bungee using the same zip tie as the mouthpiece stands.
although I may have overdone it with the two extra bungees, the basic concept of the bungee using the same zip tie as the mouthpiece stands.

That basic concept does stand. The point others are trying to make is that the way you "overdo it" tends defeat one of the main purposes of that very concept.

I guess we must do it differently in the uk, although I may have overdone it with the two extra bungees, the basic concept of the bungee using the same zip tie as the mouthpiece stands.

Yup - based on the link you posted, it does seem as if configuring the bungie necklace so as to intentionally create a possible entanglement or choking hazard is not a unique idea in the UK.


That said, the same site DOES offer advice about hose length that is contrary to how you have your's configured: "Hoses should be exact it will be possible to run without bowing."

So if the site you cite is indeed the UK diving gospel, you'll need to swap out the 36" hose on your alternate to a more "exact" length.
Not a diving gospel, just sound advice.
As I have previously mentioned in another thread to you, when presented with conflicting messages I take advice from those i dive with who have the most experience / qualifications / knowledge. Not from a faceless website such as that one.
I only stumbled across that site today, just found it interesting that it concurred with the concept i use.

Exact hose lengths? Show me a uniformly sized Human. Its all ideas into the melting pot, although the flavours might not be to everyones taste doesnt mean its right or wrong.

I guess we must do it differently in the uk, although I may have overdone it with the two extra bungees, the basic concept of the bungee using the same zip tie as the mouthpiece stands.

Good luck with your choice.
I only stumbled across that site today, just found it interesting that it concurred with the concept i use.

Actually, that's WHY you found it interesting. (And don't find information to the contrary to be interesting.) It's what we call "concordance" in the field of decision theory - situations where people make up their mind and then seek information that supports their decision.

As Simon and Garfunkle said

All lies and jest
Still, a man hears
what he wants to hear
and disregards the rest
Actually, that's WHY you found it interesting. (And don't find information to the contrary to be interesting.) ]

Yes that is why I found it interesting, as I previously mentioned, your point being.:confused:

If you care to read the thread you'll notice I havent told anyone else there setup is wrong.
Infact my whole standpoint all along has been this is what I choose to do, Im not telling others to do the same.
I leave that honour to you.
I find all information interesting, sometimes even useful. I refer to this thread and a recent post by myself about zip ties. I tend to disregard information when I am being TOLD what I should do by someone who does not know me.
I don’t think it is necessary to label my assumption as stupid! We don’t get far on this board with personal attacks.

If you are diving in an area that you have to dodge 50’ boats then maybe you should rethink the area you are diving. If you are diving from boat and out of a channel, it is pretty remote that another boat will run into your boat. If you go up and down the anchor line and stay close to your boat that should be ample protection from other boats.

Of course there is a chance that a captain of another boat might be under the influence but these are remote possibilities.

I assume your buddy has passed away or in critical condition and I am sorry for that. I can’t imagine anyone surviving being run over by another boat. Can you please post the news article so we can read the circumstances of him being hit. For example, was the captain under the influence, was there a black out and etc…

Stating that I think your assumption is stupid is not a personal attack. I went on to give you two very clear examples of exactly why your assumption really WAS stupid (and also dangerous).

You go on to make more "silly" comments about not diving where 50 ft boats might be operated. An idiot will drive his boat just about anywhere he wants, how would a diver reliably predict the timing and location of that behavoir?

My buddy's accident did not make any news that I am aware of. The large sailboat was under power while on autopilot 2 miles from the inlet in 80 feet of water and ran over the 24 ft boat. The two divers on board were slipping into their tanks and looked up and dumped the tanks on the deck and dove from their anchored boat a moment before impact. No body was at the helm of the sailboat. They did receive some money for neck and back injuries.

All this discussion of exactly how to attach the necklace is actually worthwhile. I have mine permanently attached to the regulator, maybe I will make it so that it can pull out. I use slices of truck innertube that are probably not strong enough to choke someone, but it might be nice to have it pop off easily if my buddy grabbed it from around my neck.
Under is not a simple word, it has many meanings.
un·der /ˈʌndər/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[uhn-der] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–preposition 1. beneath and covered by: under a table; under a tree.
2. below the surface of: under water; under the skin.
3. at a point or position lower or further down than: He was hit just under his eye.
... and 20 additional definitions.
All posted at 1:19 am. Scary, Walter. I fully agree with your concerns about the zipties, but you bring new meaning to 'night owl'. :D

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