Sea Cure Mouthpiece

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I must say SeaCure is amazing.

Few years ago I ended up with some dental work done at the front of my moth in an exact spot were you normally bite on a regular mouthpiece. As it happens I also use Mares Abyss. The second stage is all metal and Mares hoses are rather stiff. To make a long story short, a regular mouthpiece was annoying. Somebody suggested SC and I never looked back. It's a great product.
I also love mine - it's on the second stage I breathe off of, the second stage for handing off to someone else has a conventional mouthpiece, If for some reason I have to hand off the second stage I'm breathing off of, and I have to breathe off the second stage that has the conventional mouth piece, my reasoning says once we're both calmed down a bit we can swap second stages. Since my dive buddy / team mate is my spouse, this causes no problems.

It's not DIR as mentioned earlier in this thread, but then neither are we, so no problems there for us.

Maybe Mo2 just needs a consistent dive buddy????
Why cut it down when you can get one the size you like for a lot less money?
you can ?where? if it's not the same, why mention it? For some people it sticks too far into the mouth, causing a gag reflex, just trim it shorter (as per the instructions) and I now have one that still fits my mouth perfectly, and is only slightly longer than a regular mouthpiece .. and ... you could cut it even shorter so it was the same as regular one while fitting your mouth better than a regular one
I will also pipe up in defense, specifically regarding the TMJ issue. Regular mouthpieces that come with your regulator are very short, and required me to bite down on them throughout a dive to keep it in my mouth. By the end of a dive, I was doing just what Fred R describes....holding the reg so that I could reduce the effect on my jaw. After a dive, my jaws would lock up to the degree I could barely open my mouth to chew, etc. I was in pain to the point of being in tears.

The length of the SeaCure is exactly what allows it to stay put in the mouth without having to bite on it to keep it in your mouth.
As for the small mouth theory of gagging......I've been told by many a specialist (dentist, orthodontists......etc. etc.) that I have an extremely small mouth (and a deformation they actually think may have been a cleft palate that never quite happened) and I've never once experienced that problem. And I have a pretty low threshhold gag-reflex, as well.

So, sure, not all people have need for it and may find it pointless. For those of us who might not be able to dive if not for it (or maybe other similar products), it has been a miracle.
Few years ago I ended up with some dental work done at the front of my moth in an exact spot were you normally bite on a regular mouthpiece. As it happens I also use Mares Abyss.

I started using the SeaCure for the same reason. I had a root canel go bad after the tooth fractured during the procedure, and ended up having the tooth pulled. The little tabs on the end of the bit down on a couple of different mouth pieces all seemed to find the empty socket and irritate the heck out of it. So I figured I use the SeaCure for a few months until all the work was complete.

I immediately noticed that the headaches I'd get from biting down went away and I have never looked back.

I've heard that the new models are "better" in certain regards than the earlier versions. Does anyone that has both care to chime in about this?

Oh pretty please??

I've installed 4 of the 'new' Hi-Flow Seacures on 4 of my reg sets ( Mares Ruby / Mares MR16 Voltrex / Atomic B1/T2 and Apeks XTX 200 ) ...the Hi-Flow version has a much wider diameter inner bore, achieved by eliminating the yellow insert/liner found in the 'old' version Seacures, while the exterior dimensions of the mouthpiece remain the same. I don't have the engineering specs, but visually I'd estimate the 'opening' to be almost twice as large in cross-section, thus the name 'Hi-Flow'.

The regulator performance tests you read in dive mags test regs WITHOUT their mouthpieces, so installing a hi-performance mouthpiece on any reg helps unleash the true performance potential of a regulator. There's no point to having nice regs, only to choke down their performance with an inferior it's money well spent. a side note, I'm not a big fan of the Comfobite mouthpieces, I prefer to use my back molars versus my front teeth to grip the mouthpiece.......but I do have 'conventional' mouthpieces on my octo on all my regs to air-share in the event someone can't handle the Seacure on my primary.

Just heated and molded mine this morning. Attached it to my reg to see if I could feel the difference. Although I haven't dove the reg with the SeaCure yet I can tell the difference in how the mouthpiece stays in place without much effort. I can only conclude that after an hour or so with it in my mouth on a dive I will feel less jaw fatigue.

Nice thing is that the first time I heated the SeaCure and bit down on it I over did it a bit. So, I reboiled the water and repeated the seating sequence. Second time was magic and that gave me the confidence that if, when I dive it for the first time, that it doesn't feel quite right I will be able to heat/remold the SeaCure again.

I don't like them either. IMO, they are too big. That's something FW likes. To each his own. I use an Oceanic that also molds to your bite, but it has two advantages over the Seacure. It's the size of a regular mouthpiece (FW wouldn't like it) and it's ¼ the cost of the Seacure.
I'm an Ocenic fan, but not familiar with this product, nor can I find it on their site. Got a link, pls...?
We get tremendous response from people that love the Sea Cure. If anyone is interested, we have the Ice Blue SeaCure on a great sale. The Ice Blue is supposed to look better than the clear one (they claim it doesn't look as "dirty" as the clear one). For those interested in getting these at a good price, take a look at this link.

SeaCure Ice Blue Custom Mouthpiece.......$19.88 Each


Phil Ellis
I have a Scuba Pro 600 reg and hated it from day one. After installing the Sea Cure I can not find a complaint, other than I have to release, my now soft bite, in order to equalize.

I had my wisdom teeth out as a teenager and found the length of the mouthpiece to be too long. With a pair of scissors and less than a minute the mouthpiece was modified to fit my needs.

There will always be a Sea Cure on my reg, unless something better comes along.

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