Scuba Sciences Regulator Repair Problem

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I have read the entire form but I still have a question. Is it common for a dive shop to require the customer sign off that the regulator that it is working? I personally have never seen such a thing nor was ever asked to sign one. After all if the regulator worked going in for service then it should work coming back from service, so what does this prove?
will lets there is paul, tina are the employee and tom, rob a divecon
Avoidthebends- Rob dc
Scuba Sciences- Tina employee
Scubapig52- Paul employee
scubadiver1302001 tom dcs

I have been to the lakes(Pleasant and Saguaro) a few times and just don't enjoy the lack of visibility and marine life. It's just not for me, but to each his own. I have done some navigation work and so forth, but to dive there recreationally doesn't do anything for me.
That's perfectly fine with me as I said, it doesn't do much for me either besides get me wet and is a social outlet, much rather be in the ocean anyday.

Where in my post did I say anything about spending money at any shop??? And thanks for keeping it pleasant and professional with your rat's *** comment. :shakehead IMO...that is classless. Your point could have been made without that.

Touche it could have been made without that rat's *** reference, sorry if I infringed on your sensibilities, but you got my point that I don't care (i.e give a rat's ***) where you go to for training, gear, service, air (i.e. where you spend your $$) or for that matter what shop this happened at. It's a matter of how it was handled from a customer service perspective. Insert any shop in the the OP's 1st post and my replies would have changed very little. Mistakes happen, it's how it's handled and responded to that will show the character of the shop and it's employees by proxy, as an employee yourself of the shop (which I didn't know before) I'm sure you can understand this reflects upon you as well. I don't see how you can defend this kindof service, and if you attempt to I promise I won't accuse you of being a "Johnny come lately".

Now I'm off to SoCal for some diving, I'm running late. You all play nice :wink:

-The "classless" one
Very interesting thread.... The video showed a lot of cool heads and great response to a very dangerous situation.... Would be a great training video...

I am not impressed with the response of the LDS...Employees at all!!! :(
Thanks for posting this information and giving us a chance to see the vid!!!!
No offense taken at all. I'm sure I did things wrong. The whole event was extremely unexpected and definitely took me by surprise. Now that it has opened my eyes a little, I feel like I will be better prepared for other emergencies in the future.

Feel free to comment on things you would have done. I won't take it as a flame. I'm open to learning how to improve.

I'm sorry... I don't want to hijack the thread... but it is a GREAT topic. I think that you should start a thread in the basic scuba discussion forum about how to handle this type of problem... include the video but leave out the LDS service issue... I'm sure that this topic would generate a good discussion with lot's of ideas.

In the not-so-old days some of us hand-tightened our seconds on our Hog rigs and occasionally we would have this problem. There was a procedure that we followed when this happened... but usually it only took once to learn to check the second stages before the dive. It was not considered a dive-ender or even an emergency... but rather a problem that needed to be dealt with before moving on.
In this case, the equities of the situation really seem to fall in favor of the diver. He had a major, life-threatening problem that everyone agrees is not common or generally detectable, has it documented on video, and went to the shop with an undoubtedly reasonable request (refund) before going public.

I can't fault the shop for not willing to take full responsibility - after all, who knows what happened in reality? Maybe Robert Goulet snuck onto the boat and untorqued the second stage before the dive. But in light of the reasonableness of cjust's request (supported by the equivalency of SSI's proposed solution), IMO the shop should just say, "We really don't know what happened and we can't take responsibility, but we're sorry you were unsatsified with our service and that we're losing you as a customer, and would be happy to refund your service cost." That should be the end of the story. The shop should really count their lucky stars that the OP chose to vent about the incident on an informal forum rather than file a costly negligence suit (meritorious or not, and of which 30 minutes of a lawyer's time would exceed the total cost of the reg service).

Other than that, I join the others in sharing my relief that cjust emerged from this accident unscathed, and kudos to him for keeping a cool head during a very frightening situation, and to the other divers there for showing us how the buddy system is supposed to work!
will lets there is paul, tina are the employee and tom, rob a divecon
Avoidthebends- Rob dc
Scuba Sciences- Tina employee
Scubapig52- Paul employee
scubadiver1302001 tom dcs

Actually... Paul is the store OWNER.
Contrary to popular belief, Paul is not the owner. Just the GM.
Contrary to popular belief, Paul is not the owner. Just the GM.

And the owner is?
Stephen Ash:
Actually... Paul is the store OWNER.

I've resisted jumping in....but Paul is NOT the owner...only the general manager (he
just plays on on TV)

Second, it seems everyone would like to see the store give a refund but they have a strict "NO REFUND" policy....break it for one, break if for everyone.
Not saying I agree or disagree...just stating their policy as per their website.
It seems refunding a small amount of 100$ would have avoided alot of controversay but......
NO REFUND policies are not unusual with smaller retailers.

I think this has been beatin to death but I agree with Stephen, I'd like to see the discussion over in the Basic Scuba forum without the LDS bashing.

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