Scuba Limericks

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MSilvia once did post
It's non diving threads he hates the most
They clog the board and make him squeal
Though this one seems to him ideal
I wonder if it's me he'd roast

I don't mind a good non-diving thread,
or at least that is not what I said.
If you've something to say,
by all means, post away.
It's the meaningless posts that I dread.

When scubaboard's running to slow,
it's from frivilous posting, you know?
We can build c'munity
and not talk 'bout the sea,
but the 'games' forum might ought to go.

It's a popular forum, no doubt.
If we took it away folks would shout.
So I guess I'll just wait
for new hardware that's great.
In the meantime I'll filter it out.
So, I guess you don't like the thread,
of whether to wear ones mask on ones head?
You know the one with 800 posts
and saying absolutely nothing, at most!
I'd rather drive a nail through my head!!!

not my best limerick, but I'm with you MSilvia
If nails through your head you dread
perhaps the thread you haven't read

so take some time and read them all
start right now be done by fall

Now one more troll has just been fed
I never make posts out of spite
though there are times that some may bite

words that pop into my head
can often turn to things I dread

I've never claimed that I am right
do these posts count?
or is this just to oust,
the lighthearted friends,
to come out and pounce?
Not sure what you mean by troll.
But, I assure you I can't pay the toll
and suffer all that pontificating.
After 800 posts no abating!
I'll just hide here in my limerick hole.

So, I guess you don't like the thread,
of whether to wear ones mask on ones head?
You know the one with 800 posts
and saying absolutely nothing, at most!
I'd rather drive a nail through my head!!!
I don't really mind that one much,
it's the threads with one-word posts and such.
Threads that serve noble ends,
such as bonding with friends,
are worth slowing things down just a touch.

Conversations with dive friends are grand.
Pointless threads though, can get out of hand.
Some don't care if it slows,
just so their post-count grows.
It's the game threads I thought should be banned.

I'm a mask-on-forehead guy I guess,
though some divers like theirs up there less.
Pushed up out of the way,
it could stay there all day,
and still not mean that I'm in distress.
Nice, I almost thought it was going to go; " and some like it up their... " :D
This thread is getting better all the time...
Guess, to the board I'm still green.
For the game threads I haven't seen.
Didn't mean to offend
about the mask thing my friend,
but it's obvious for that I'm not keen.

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