Scuba Limericks

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There once lived a diver named David
Eyes twinkling of blue. Who knew
He’d pee in the sea when winkling
He needed to do.
There once was a diver named Drew
His finning technique was quite new
He'd propel with a twist
to the left he would list
His diving buddies were few
Some are poetic
some are pathetic.
it don't matter
as we're just ScubaBoarders
Some are poetic
some are pathetic.
it don't matter
as we're just ScubaBoarders
Look Darling, it's Johnny Ringo, some say he's the deadliest pistolier since Wild Bill they say.

Look darling, it’s Johnny Ringo
He talks the pistolier’s lingo
Doc shot him dead
A bulls eye to the head
Maybe he should of stuck to bingo
There was a diver who was in school
She had to write a paper, it wasn't cool
Frustrated, she was
for she had the diving buzz
so she wrote the paper in the pool.
there once was a girl from bimini
who preferred wetsuit over bikini
so when the sea was choppy
and grimy and sloppy
she would proclaim "find me the driest martini"
There once was a man named Odell
Who made his wife's life such a hell
He squeezed her too tight
She put up a fight
And on her dive knife he impaled!
man, everybody's raising to a new level (Kevfin and Fish Whisperer, you guys rule)

there was a spearfisher from Bute
who was, shall we say, not astute
on the night of his wedding
while his bride lay a-waiting
he went diving all ready to shoot

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