Canadian.Diver:If you want to go on the really cheap, use a plastic bucket overturned instead of a lift bag. I went scallop diving this year for the first time and this was the method used by a seasoned scallop diver for years. And if you come up without scallops you can use the bucket to cover your head in shame. Use the bucket to just make the bag of scallops neutrally bouyant and surface with them. Do not attach the bucket or any part of the setup to you.
Biggest potential problem with that scenario is surfacing with the bucket and a wave knocking the bucket sideways, spilling air and sending your catch back to the bottom. Only thing worse would be if you HAD attached the bag to your rig and spilled out the air in the bucket, it could drag you down with it! Not a great option, IMHO BUt I do like the idea of putting the bucket over your head if you get skunked!