SB INVADES THE KEYS... July 14-16, 2006!

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All I need are some smooth waves, a cool buzz, and I'm fine.

Bulter ? Bluher !
Capt Gary:
You have NOT offended me, I know how threads can get out of control based on a joking statement and I don't want that to happen. We just want everyone to have a good time.

If there is anything we can do to ensure that please let us know.

Good Diving,

I meant to say "You have NOT offended me" Sorry....Too Early and not enough coffee.
Look forward seeing everyone.
:rofl: I saw that! Too funny!
Gary, I think everyone understood. I know I did.
Diving the Keys ... soon
Kim P
A camera bulter! :monkeydan

Scantily clad supermodels fanning me down with Palm Frawns while hand feeding me mango and watermelon during Surface intervals! :gr1:

Limo service to and from the dive sites! :auto:

Sorry could not resist... safe diving and good company is all I really want, but 100 foot vis, that would be great!
Wow have some amazing ideas. I didn't know this was what an SB get together outside of Santa Rosa would be like! :) btw, is Kent coming? Or was Coz all he could swing this year?? Also, I'll get my schedule this coming week...really hope we can get something worked out!
Capt Gary:
You have NOT offended me, I know how threads can get out of control based on a joking statement and I don't want that to happen. We just want everyone to have a good time.

well, crap... nobody ever asks ME if they ofended me

this is offensive
Wow have some amazing ideas. I didn't know this was what an SB get together outside of Santa Rosa would be like! :) btw, is Kent coming? Or was Coz all he could swing this year?? Also, I'll get my schedule this coming week...really hope we can get something worked out!

Kent knows he is certainly welcome, but he spends the summers in CB. I don't think he wants the expense of both him and his better half doing a FL trip after just getting back from COZ. But he can not really leave Jess alone so he can go off to play without her especially with six horses to take care of. Also the Butte is beautiful in the Summer, and I know he has plenty to keep him happy there.

Things can change, and I own him an email, so we shall see.

I'm thinking WPB for diving on the 29th. I'd LOVE to do Jupiter, but Cuz is not Nitrox, and I think it would be better to go a bit shallower to extend BT. I dove WPB last year, and enjoyed it a lot. Plenty of eels, and turtles, so that will work even if it's no where near as dramatic as Jupiter! :D If you have other ideas for good diving in the 40~60fsw range, speak up!

PM when you know one way or another! If not we will be in Lauderdale a few days before the invasion, so if the FAM is in Vero, maybe we can hook up prior to the invasion. If not, than well at the invasion, or if your schedule allows I think I'm going to book at least one dive with the SB bunch whereever they are diving prior to the keys.

If not we will be in Lauderdale a few days before the invasion, so if the FAM is in Vero, maybe we can hook up prior to the invasion. If not, than well at the invasion, or if your schedule allows I think I'm going to book at least one dive with the SB bunch whereever they are diving prior to the keys.
Did someone request more diving? :D

INVADE FT. Lauderdale INFO: (From Marvel)
For starters.....

July 10
3-Tank dive
70' Wreck / 70' Wreck / 30' Reef ***

***This is a kind of a "tune up" day in case y'all haven't been diving in a while. If everyone is comfortable though, this can be changed to a deeper wreck for the first dive- since we booked first, we call the shots!!

July 11
2-Tank dive
Tenneco Towers / Tenneco Towers***
Tenneco Towers

***My favorite "wreck dive" in Ft Lauderdale- actually oil rigs that were sunk as part of our artificial reef program. Absolutely teeming with life!

July 12
3-Tank dive
Jim Atria / 70' Wreck / 30' Reef
Jim Atria

July 13
2-tank dive
90' Reef / 60' Reef

We will be going out with Captain Todd & his crew on the American Dream II- absolutely my favorite dive boat in SE FL.


Captain Todd is giving us a heck of a deal on our dives. These prices are MUCH lower that his regular prices & are guaranteed not to change even if his prices go up between now & July- a distinct possibility with rising fuel costs:

2-TANK DAY $40.00 + 6% sales tax

3-TANK DAY $55.00 + 6% sales tax

For those of you who will be diving air, the cost of aluminum tanks will be $7/each. The AD II does not have Nitrox so.....
For those who wish to dive Nitrox, please let us know ASAP. We are going to have to arrange a daily run to pick up tanks from a (couple of) local dive shops.

Of course, for the true die hards, there will be beach diving in the afternoons/evenings available in my side yard.

IF you are interested in diving in Ft. Lauderdale, Please contact Marvel for additional information.

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