SB INVADES THE KEYS... July 14-16, 2006!

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Well from what I can see they hit me in full including the tip.
I wonder why that is?

The only charges that were placed on anyones CC were for the rooms you booked. Ocean Pointe required full payment 30 days in advance for lodging, that was the only way Ocean Pointe would supply you with the rate quoted. Also Ocean Pointe would not split the room charges between everyones CC's, so Brenda took it on herself to collect, track, charge, and pay Ocean Pointe out of our checking account so everyone could get the special rate. You also should have gotten a confirmation number which you will need in order to get into your room.

Also TIPS are up to you according to the service provided. We would never dictate the amount of a tip or take it out automaticly. Charges for dives will be collected from your the day you dive.

If anyone has any questions about charges to your CC please don't hesitate to contact Brenda or myself at 305-852-1655.

Good Diving,
Capt Gary:
The only charges that were placed on anyones CC were for the rooms you booked. Ocean Pointe required full payment 30 days in advance for lodging, that was the only way Ocean Pointe would supply you with the rate quoted. Also Ocean Pointe would not split the room charges between everyones CC's, so Brenda took it on herself to collect, track, charge, and pay Ocean Pointe out of our checking account so everyone could get the special rate. You also should have gotten a confirmation number which you will need in order to get into your room.

Also TIPS are up to you according to the service provided. We would never dictate the amount of a tip or take it out automaticly. Charges for dives will be collected from your the day you dive.

If anyone has any questions about charges to your CC please don't hesitate to contact Brenda or myself at 305-852-1655.

Good Diving,

Thank you for the explaination. I sincerely hope I havnt offended you.

Thank you for the explaination. I sincerely hope I havnt offended you.

You have NOT offended me, I know how threads can get out of control based on a joking statement and I don't want that to happen. We just want everyone to have a good time.

If there is anything we can do to ensure that please let us know.

Good Diving,
Capt Gary:
You have offended me, I know how threads can get out of control based on a joking statement and I don't want that to happen. We just want everyone to have a good time.

If there is anything we can do to ensure that please let us know.

Good Diving,

Hunnert foot viz and no current would be nice thank you!:D
FLL Diver:
Hmmm, they work when I click on them. Even when I log out from Yahoo.

Can anyone else see them?


I can not. I get the message.

"Server not found
Firefox can't find the server at"

I've tried these more than once, and a couple times when they were posted, and then again now.....

YO STUFF NO WORKY WORKY I believe is the technical term! :11doh:
Capt Gary:
If there is anything we can do to ensure that please let us know.

Good Diving,

A camera bulter! :monkeydan

Scantily clad supermodels fanning me down with Palm Frawns while hand feeding me mango and watermelon during Surface intervals! :gr1:

Limo service to and from the dive sites! :auto:

Sorry could not resist... safe diving and good company is all I really want, but 100 foot vis, that would be great!

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