SB INVADES THE KEYS... July 14-16, 2006!

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I'm starting to get excited, I leave in just a couple weeks even if the Invasion is more like a month off.
I'll be at Schiphol in exactly 2 weeks... :D
53 Invaders and counting...

Files will be sent today.
I think we will hit my 60 diver goal!!!
(was hoping for 75, but this being my first big trip planning, and it getting started so late, I lowered it to 60!)
Regardless, I am stoked that we have 53 right now! How cool is that??
I may still have my extra room. Hey, I might end up with my own palace or something. :D
so what does one do to enter this me me me me me me me me me me me me. :D:D:D:D:D

Hey Miss, you already WON a Stiletto BC on SB! If you walk away with a digital camera, housing, and some gift certificates, you may get stoned! :lol:
I booked the dives through the form. El Orans told me that he informed them there are some late comers (oh, me) but I still plan to contact them to make sure they got my info.

I contacted them and made sure they have my STUFF in where ever they put their STUFF over there.

I'm booked, and I'm betting they will want payment when I check-in to dive. If they want it sooner, they better contact me before June 28th as I'll be rather unreachable once I hit the plane, and don't know if I will have internet access for some of the trip.
Just checked my credit card bill and see a charge from Conch Republic Divers for an amount that makes no sense to me. It can't be the room, not high enough. Can't be the diving either. Does anybody else have something billed around June 7th for the Keys trip? I'm just curious.
yes, just saw the same on mine - i will call them tomorrow to find out what it is for
I wish the links were working, buddy.

Hmmm, they work when I click on them. Even when I log out from Yahoo.

Can anyone else see them?


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