SB INVADES THE KEYS... July 14-16, 2006!

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I know that many of you have posted here & there when you are diving in FLL & Laurens has a spreadsheet (thanks, Laurens!) of who's on the ADII each day but I don't have any concrete info on who needs to rent tanks, gear & rooms for what nights.
For all you about to sign up, send me an email address and I will send you the info.
I wonder why? Its not hot here, and the humidity is so managable :D
Not to mention that all school holidays will have started by then.
I wonder why?. Its not hot here, and the humidity is so managable:D
And don't forget...not a cloud in the sky lately. Sunshine ALL DAY! least for 15-27 minute intervals usually in mid afternoon....
BTW... Flights to FLORIDA are pretty cheap in the summer... :D

Not as cheap as they were last summer when I was still commuting. :grumble:

Much better, Marc. Thanks.

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