SB INVADES THE KEYS... July 14-16, 2006!

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Ask Walter about how he managed to hitch a ride from MB.... :D

Love your new avatar, Marc!
Ask Walter about how he managed to hitch a ride from MB.... :D

Love your new avatar, Marc!

Well, my dear, how I finally (after years of trying) hitched a ride from MB was the inspiration for the buddy line DPV.
Well, my dear, how I finally (after years of trying) hitched a ride from MB was the inspiration for the buddy line DPV.

True, but you should tell them all how hard it is to get MB & what happened when you did :D

I wanted to post the picture of us riding Jo but it will have to wait. Truly classic!
Love your new avatar, Marc!

Thanks. It was taken as part of the family portrait package at Sears last month.

We had a coupon.

True, but you should tell them all how hard it is to get MB & what happened when you did :D
hey hey... That couldn't have been me! I think it was my twin sister. Yeah, that's what happened... Or maybe he got me when I was diving paralyzed and lost the feeling in my body... yeah, that's it...
How many years ago was that, anyway?

Found it. July 28, 2001 2:49 - 4:06 PM You wrote, "I'm a mule" on my slate. Then I immediately got you again. ROTFLMAO!
....I don't have any concrete info on who needs to rent tanks, gear & rooms for what nights. Please PM me (again) with your needs ASAP so I can reserve the tanks & we can work out who's rooming with whom & on what nights. With so many beds, the cost per person is going to be very reasonable.

I'm also hoping that since this is so much closer that more people will decide that they want to dive in Ft Lauderdale- we've got plenty of space on the American Dream II & in the hotel, & barring a hurricane, I can almost guarantee some spectacular diving. So, if anyone has been vacilating about joining us, nows the time to let us know!

Needed Info:
# of nights
# of people
Rooming preferences
Days diving on ADII
Gear needed- tanks, weights, & anything else

Thanks in advance for your forgiveness & for sending me the info again. I'm really, really looking forward to meeting & diving with you all & showing you my little piece of paradise!

ahem.... :D
I guess we left it kind of late to sign up as most all the spots seem to have gone - however i didnt want to commit to something like this given the recent outlay with the wedding.... Any chance of further places becomming available?
There are still plenty places for Fort Lauderdale.

Give me an email address and I'll send you the files.

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