Ron Lee's Personal Rules for Diving in Cozumel

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And to amplify Quero's post above, and again since I was in the thread, declined to be part of the moderation decisions, there is no requirement for permission by the OP for a moderator to change a thread title if they think it necessary. A courtesy to advise but not a necessity. So again, conspiracy theorists need to chill.
As if they could just "chill," with cabals everywhere. :wink:
Now about the title (this is all I'll say about it, and let me be clear that I did not perform this moderation or I wouldn't be in the thread at all)--
1) There were post reports wanting to take the thread out of the Cozumel forum, suggesting Whine and Cheeze, and suggesting Humor as places to move it to.
2) As we often do, the moderators discussed the options. It was felt that Ron's friends are in the Coz forum and that's why he put his thread here. So we wanted to find a way to leave it here.
3) The original title was a single word that did nothing to link the topic to the forum, and furthermore, in an SEO sense was so vague as to be meaningless.
4) So a straightforward descriptive title, one that actually says what the thread is about and that links it to the forum, was created. This kills two birds with one stone: it fixes the SEO failing of the original title and it allows the thread to remain in the Cozumel forum where Ron wanted it.

So you see, those of you who are conspiracy theorists are just going to have to be disappointed this time.


Why in the world would any moderators care about any of that? A one word title does nothing for SEO? Seriously? So you guys modify people's thread titles all the time based on making sure Google finds them?

The only reason this was "reported" (which I find hard to believe) was somebody gets all nervous about anything that can even remotely be negative in regard to Cozumel. Why? I can't understand it other than possibly due to silly worries they might miss 1 person who won't go to Cozumel and maybe miss out on them renting their condo? At least that would have some basis on something you could understand the motive, if not that, what?

You guys might want to change the titles to these threads too cause I don't find them descriptive enough to be related to Cozumel and SEOs and I'm sure you don't either. Is listing them here good enough or is there an official reporting feature I should use?

Here they are if you just want to change them based on the names:

April 2013
Shore Dive
Water Temperature
Blood Drive!
Lost Camera
Downtown Pier

That's a quick 7, if you want me to email you some more just let me know.

My personal advice to moderators is never explain yourselves. When you try to give explanations for pettiness, all you do is sound even more petty.
other than possibly due to silly worries they might miss 1 person who won't go to Cozumel and maybe miss out on them renting their condo?

Oh, snot! That can happen? :confused:
I want to be on the boat for Ron's critiquing after monitoring unsuspecting female divers. :laughing:
This is the biggest joke I think I have ever seen on scubaboard. Much ado about nothing.
This is the biggest joke I think I have ever seen on scubaboard. Much ado about nothing.
But hilarious, especially when he tried to justify & defend. :rofl2:
Okay, I first noticed the O.P. early, when there was maybe 1 reply, give or take. I read over it and then I saw this:

1) Always monitor/watch over women divers.

That was all it took. I knew where this thread was going. I believe quite a number of people reading it also knew where this thread was going, before reading any replies to it. Several would take it as a patronizing remark rooted in a condescending chauvinistic worldview, several would take it as old school social conditioning/chivalry, it'd devolve into a post-modern feminist perspective vs. an old school chivalry perspective, and away we'd go, page after page.

I know nothing about Ron Lee except that evidently he's a seasoned diver from 'the South.'

Given widespread awareness of modern day political sensibilities, I strongly suspect that he, like many of the rest of us, knew what the reaction would be to his making this statement on a public forum. Whatever you titled the thread, it immediately became about this one issue.

Which leaves me wondering 'Why?'

Just as a point of curiosity. I'm not a woman, or hung up on the debate. Just curious as to the purpose of starting the debate, since it's so involved, and that statement was guaranteed to start it.

OK; I am going to step into this now… Maybe it’s a generational thing because I was born in 59’ and I will even blame it on my father as I was raised in Texas BUT, I see it as more of a sign of respect!!!

I don’t have a problem with it, placing women first… It’s the way I was raised but I was also raised to say yes ma’am, no ma’am, yes sir, no sir, thank you and such. I also learned to open doors or hold doors open for others, assist with a bag, stop when you see a woman with car trouble, and offer a smile…

Now if this is all wrong then I raised my son wrong but it pleases me to no end so see him offer and then help an elderly woman down the stairs!!!

I use to hitchhike all over Texas when I was young… In those days, even a woman would stop and offer you a ride. My Uncle even pointed out to my dad that I got around faster hitchhiking than he did driving himself! Back then, there was the unwritten rule that if you hitchhike then you picked up hitchhikers… or maybe that was my own rule…

Times change I realize that… Point being; very seldom do I offer a hitchhiker a ride anymore but I still say yes ma’am, no ma’am, hold doors open, stop when I see a woman having car trouble, and help carry a bag…

The only difference between those days and these days… I will usually ask if they would like some help and offer an apology if I felt I offended them!

No Disrespect intended to the ladies… and if any taken, please blame my dad!!! (I do)


I also was born in '59. My parents also taught me to be polite, to say please and thank you and hold open doors and to stop for people with car trouble... regardless of sex. They also taught me that women were not weak defenseless creatures that required a man to take care of or look out for them.

If someone needs help, I will offer it, but they do not get anything "extra" because of their gender. It is sexist and patronizing.
I also was born in '59. My parents also taught me to be polite, to say please and thank you and hold open doors and to stop for people with car trouble... regardless of sex. They also taught me that women were not weak defenseless creatures that required a man to take care of or look out for them.

If someone needs help, I will offer it, but they do not get anything "extra" because of their gender. It is sexist and patronizing.

:hmmm: So, when was the last time you stopped and helped a group of guys on the side of the road after the sun when down??? Sexist and Patronizing??? Never meant to be nor do I believe I am!!! I NEVER said it was because they were weak or defenseless... I said; It was out of RESPECT!!!

I also said "I was also raised to say yes ma’am, no ma’am, yes sir, no sir, thank you and such. I also learned to open doors or hold doors open for others, assist with a bag"... Pretty sure Ma'am and Sir refer to both genders! I also never said I only hold doors open or assist Women only!!!

Lastly, I said "The only difference between those days and these days… I will usually ask if they would like some help and offer an apology if I felt I offended them!"

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:hmmm: So, when was the last time you stopped and helped a group of guys on the side of the road after the sun when down??? Sexist and Patronizing??? Never meant to be nor do I believe I am!!! I NEVER said it was because they were weak or defenseless... I said; It was out of RESPECT!!!

I also said "I was also raised to say yes ma’am, no ma’am, yes sir, no sir, thank you and such. I also learned to open doors or hold doors open for others, assist with a bag"... Pretty sure Ma'am and Sir refer to both genders! I also never said I only hold doors open or assist Women only!!!

Lastly, I said "The only difference between those days and these days… I will usually ask if they would like some help and offer an apology if I felt I offended them!"


Wow. Apparently touched a nerve.

---------- Post added January 21st, 2013 at 02:33 AM ----------


re·spect noun
1. a particular, detail, or point (usually preceded by in ): to differ in some respect.
2. relation or reference: inquiries with respect to a route.
3. esteem for or a sense of the worth or excellence of a person, a personal quality or ability, or something considered as a manifestation of a personal quality or ability: I have great respect for her judgment.
4. deference to a right, privilege, privileged position, or someone or something considered to have certain rights or privileges; proper acceptance or courtesy; acknowledgment: respect for a suspect's right to counsel; to show respect for the flag; respect for the elderly.
5. the condition of being esteemed or honored: to be held in respect.

1 & 2 clearly do not apply. IMO the application of 3, 4, or 5 on the basis of gender rather than knowledge of the individual or observation of their qualities is sexist. Some may consider it noble or chivalrous or some such, but it does not change the fact that a decision or position taken on the basis of gender is sexist, just as a decision or position taken on the basis of race would be racist.
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