Ron Lee's Personal Rules for Diving in Cozumel

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Wow. Apparently touched a nerve.

Touched a nerve??? No, not really but I am not going to be dragged into the debate about rule #1... I was poorly defending the Southern mind set or so its not misinterpreted, my mindset...! But I am not about to let someone who has never met me call me a sexist and patronizing OR put words into my mouth by stating I said women are weak or defenseless!

I would be the last to claim that women are weak of defenseless!!! Now excuse me as its late and my wife is ready to beat me for being involved with this thread in the first place...!

Hugs and kisses to all, lee
Okay, I first noticed the O.P. early, when there was maybe 1 reply, give or take. I read over it and then I saw this:

That was all it took. I knew where this thread was going. I believe quite a number of people reading it also knew where this thread was going, before reading any replies to it. Several would take it as a patronizing remark rooted in a condescending chauvinistic worldview, several would take it as old school social conditioning/chivalry, it'd devolve into a post-modern feminist perspective vs. an old school chivalry perspective, and away we'd go, page after page.

I know nothing about Ron Lee except that evidently he's a seasoned diver from 'the South.'

Given widespread awareness of modern day political sensibilities, I strongly suspect that he, like many of the rest of us, knew what the reaction would be to his making this statement on a public forum. Whatever you titled the thread, it immediately became about this one issue.

Which leaves me wondering 'Why?'

Just as a point of curiosity. I'm not a woman, or hung up on the debate. Just curious as to the purpose of starting the debate, since it's so involved, and that statement was guaranteed to start it.


You know, I thought the same thing at first that's why I later stated that much of the posting was good natured teasing, at least on my part. But when I read his later posts, I changed my mind about his purpose in posting and I think that was when the mood of the posts changed.
I would be the last to claim that women are weak of defenseless!!!

They aren't?

What's the whole industry that revolves around pepper spray that fits in a women's purse all about?

Why is there male vs male boxing and female vs female boxing but no male vs female boxing in the Olympics?

Get over it people, there is a difference between the sexes, if you want to pretend there isn't it doesn't make you chivalrous, it just makes you a liar.
They aren't?
Are you stirring the pot???

What's the whole industry that revolves around pepper spray that fits in a women's purse all about?

I called them up this morning and asked that very question... The response; they are trying to keep taser's out of their hands...

Why is there male vs male boxing and female vs female boxing but no male vs female boxing in the Olympics?

We both know that there are many of women that can whip a many of man...

Get over it people, there is a difference between the sexes, if you want to pretend there isn't it doesn't make you chivalrous, it just makes you a liar.

Agreed... they are a heck of a lot cuter!!! except for those times when they get mad when you hold the door open for 'em! :)

This garbage (thread) really belongs in The Pub.

Could not agree more...!
It's not disparaging to women to admit there are differences. We are physically very different, we are even mentally very different, we are 'wired' very differently.

Look up statistics on rape. How many men are raped by women? Look up the statistics on murders, look up the statistics on child molestation, look up the statistics on who's in prison male or female?

Men and women are very different, and these differences translate in different ways in every aspect of each of our lives. Anyone who wants to say there is no differences between men and women need a reality check.

Here's another one for you - when was the last time a man asked for directions? I think it was last official reported to be 1956.

Who could find fault with 'rules' like these -
1) Always monitor/watch over women divers.
2) Always monitor/watch over young divers.
3) Always monitor/watch over new/inexperienced divers.
4) Periodically count all divers in the group.
5) If I see a solitary diver on the surface, go check on them. Ending a dive is less important than ensuring their safety.

Ron posted those in the spirit of
basic good rules for a decent society.

Why would anyone have an issue of basically "due unto others as you would have done unto yourself"? or what amounts to basically a good neighbor policy?

You can watch over my wife on a dive all you want Ron, nice to know you're looking out for others, the world needs more of it.
1) Always monitor/watch over women divers.

It's not that he thinks women are helpless divers, it's that he wants to make sure they're around after the dive for the important things like bearing children and cooking dinner. :wink:

All in fun, Ron....

---------- Post added January 21st, 2013 at 01:05 PM ----------

Why is there male vs male boxing and female vs female boxing but no male vs female boxing in the Olympics?

And of course since scuba diving and boxing are pretty much exactly the same activity, your comment has some relevance. :confused:
It's not disparaging to women to admit there are differences. We are physically very different, we are even mentally very different, we are 'wired' very differently.

Look up statistics on rape. How many men are raped by women? Look up the statistics on murders, look up the statistics on child molestation, look up the statistics on who's in prison male or female?

Men and women are very different, and these differences translate in different ways in every aspect of each of our lives. Anyone who wants to say there is no differences between men and women need a reality check.

Here's another one for you - when was the last time a man asked for directions? I think it was last official reported to be 1956.

Who could find fault with 'rules' like these -

Ron posted those in the spirit of

Why would anyone have an issue of basically "due unto others as you would have done unto yourself"? or what amounts to basically a good neighbor policy?

You can watch over my wife on a dive all you want Ron, nice to know you're looking out for others, the world needs more of it.
You make a lot of good points Mike. Men and women are very different. We would be wise to elect women to run our government. The first country to figure that out is going to be light years ahead of all the rest.
Ron Lee, I, too am an experienced female diver. You can watch over me all you want, but make sure some male diver isn't getting into trouble while you have your eyes on the ladies. PS: I wear a wetsuit and I would appreciate it if you would stop "watching over" me while I take it off.
It's not disparaging to women to admit there are differences. We are physically very different, we are even mentally very different, we are 'wired' very differently.

Look up statistics on rape. How many men are raped by women? Look up the statistics on murders, look up the statistics on child molestation, look up the statistics on who's in prison male or female?

Men and women are very different, and these differences translate in different ways in every aspect of each of our lives. Anyone who wants to say there is no differences between men and women need a reality check.

Here's another one for you - when was the last time a man asked for directions? I think it was last official reported to be 1956.

Who could find fault with 'rules' like these -

Ron posted those in the spirit of

Why would anyone have an issue of basically "due unto others as you would have done unto yourself"? or what amounts to basically a good neighbor policy?

You can watch over my wife on a dive all you want Ron, nice to know you're looking out for others, the world needs more of it.

Mike, I don't believe that it is you and I that having any or much of a disagreement in this topic... Hell, I am trying to get away from it!!!

None of us would surly disagree about the physical differences regarding the structure of a man or a woman... Far to many to list! I am sure we understand that applies to the same gender in many ways e.g. The Rock (Dwayne Johnson) vs Pee Wee Herman (Paul Rubens) or Becca Swanson (benches 507#) vs Tina Louise (Ginger)... In a cage match; pretty sure Tina Louise is going to give Paul Rubens a run for the money but Becca Swanson is going to destroy him...! (I am sure this comparison is going to get me in trouble!!!)

But some how some way and a some point, I was being accused of calling women (let me go see how gcarter put it) "They also taught me that women were not weak defenseless creatures that required a man to take care of or look out for them." I took this statement to say that I said women are weak and defenseless... ! Maybe I took him/her wrong and I snapped due to touchiness of this particular topic... If I did somehow convey that sentiment I truly never meant to and to my knowledge, I did not but if so; I sincerely apologize!!!

Maybe lack of sleep cause my wife is tough as nails and I mean that with the utmost respect! In the early days of our relationship I worked 300+ days a year on the road... Was never home... She raised a wonderful boy who has been hanging out traveling Africa for the past 3-4 months and I believe he landed in India yesterday (a place that is near and dear to me) Kept the house going, kept our marriage going, and is my best friend!!!

SO yea, this subject can hit a little close to home for me... and to be honest; I getting a little bit tired of how we treat one another... actually, I am way past being tired of how we treat each other...! It's a me me world these days and I am pretty sure that's not a good thing!!!

But that's just me... a homophobic, chauvinistic, prejudicial, sexist pig from Texas...! Man; that feels good getting that off my chest! Really, I never knew...! :idk:


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