Reef Sweep and Beach Cleanup June 12 '04

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Kris, I'm glad your a good sport about the ribbing.....We are real proud of you coming over your fear. I did not realize you had that much of a fear, I just overheard you expressing concerns earlier with Colin about night dives. Anyway, We all had a balst and that's what matters, Thanks again Jenny for taking us out...

Well, there's not much to add to what's already been said, but I did want to take a second to thank my buddies, Krista and Angie, for making the cleanup dive very enjoyable (Hmmmm, this two-women-in-the-water thing could be habit-forming!)

As the guys already mentioned, Ocean Watch really missed the boat, as far as encouraging future participation goes. Let's write it off to new leadership and having this dropped on them with little warning. Maybe we need to let them know that a "thank you", along with some corporately-sponsored goodies goes a long way. Let's see if their press release mentions our group.

The surface support also left a lot to be desired. Next time we'll have to teach them to be a lot more aggressive in getting buckets down to where they would do some good. The buckets that they had seemed to spend a lot of time in the air, empty. (Colin, we'll have to get those orange bags that you suggested next time!)

As far as the dive goes, We saw a big (3.5' or bigger) southern stingray under the pier in maybe 6' of water. The snook, as has already been mentioned were HUGE, and completely unaffraid. It was amazing to sit on the bottom and have them school around me.

I got 108 minutes out of my 100 and still came up with 400 to spare. Not as good as some, but plenty good enough for me.

Of course, the best thing about the event was hanging out afterward, getting to know some of my neighbors (ReneeC and DennisS), swapping tales, good laughter, opinions about fish IDs and general good times. To our two wounded, Rick and Rebecca, I missed having you underwater and am looking forward to diving with you guys again.

I have way too many nice things to say in the limited time and space here. I can't wait to see the photos, especially the ones of the neoprene cowfolks and our newly-canonized scuba saint, Nuestra Senora de los Salchichones...

Best wishes to all and safe ascents,
Four, with a little help from technology! See attachment! After passing an IHOP and a Waffle House, we did make it to our destination at last. Thanks, guys!! :wink:

Aaaaah, getting directions using TOYS! That makes it all make sense. I thought you were going to show photos of them ASKING for directions. I'm sure that photo would have to be faked, kinda like one of those bigfoot shots...

Great nature photgraph, Kris. (And I'm sorry I've been misspelling your name forever!)
Just wanted to thank everyone for making our stay in Pompano so much fun. We really enjoyed the beach clean up, thanks to cbulla for showing me some of the lead the after party was awesome.... good food (mmmmm mango salsa yummy) some questionable "cowboy hat pictures" and great new friends. Special thanks for our quick lesson in shore diving 101, I cant wait to do that again (hopefully Grier will give me a rain check on the Sunday dive we missed)

We both truely enjoyed making so many new friends and just hanging out talking and trading dive stories. I cant wait for us all to get together again soon..

KBulla, I had the same pout going on when we pulled out of the dive shop too... Xaivier is such a little cutie pie. I really had a great time hanging out with him and Jenny's little hermit crab while ya'll did your night dive. Between his dancing and Julie cracking me up all night my stomache muscles still hurt, all we were missing was cutie Kyle who was MIA with his mom for the night. It has to be true, kids born to scuba divers are just really great kids...... hehehehehe, but I might just be bias...

Anyways, thanks again to everyone.... Can't wait to head over to the west coast an find some teeth!
Again i feel bad for missing what sounds like a great time, maybe next year, but hopefully a trip down there to just dive one day. The cold is almost shifted, should be gone around mid-week i think and then diving on the weekend as much as i can. Any of the faithful out of SW FL feel like a tooth dive on 6/19??? Its kind of in the spirit of your adventures this weekend, without the bucket totting lackies :wink:
Special thanks for our quick lesson in shore diving 101, I cant wait to do that again (hopefully Grier will give me a rain check on the Sunday dive we missed)

I'll dive with you guys any time. I'm glad to see that you made it back safely.

I can't wait to see those pics. Maybe you should email them to me before posting them... :eyebrow:

Until next time,
Hey Guys--
well, everyone's covered all the vitals; so I'll just add in my thanks for just simply being such an incredible group to hang with!! I continue to be impressed on how we can bring such a varied group of people together and just have so much fun, non-stop!!
Many thanks to all the food donations (cookies, salsa, burgers, hot dogs...I'm never going to work off all these cookouts!) and tents and coordination!!
I apologize to those who may have noticed I was even quieter than usual (hard to do, I know)...I was sporting a nice ranging head-ache after the -ahem- aborted dive, and wasn't up to my usual sunny self :wink: (Many, many thanks to Vickie for the Aleve--couldn't have made it home without it).
Sorry I missed out on the night dive, but always looking forward to the next event!!!

Thanks again for welcoming me with open arms! Really had a great time and the diving, the food and the company was all great!

Please don't laugh too hard at my attempt at a website but I did post the pics I took. Too bad I didn't get more this time around but hopefully we will get lots more in the future. Didn't label the pics since I am still learning names but I'm sure you will recognize .... Sweep/album.htm

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