Puerto Galera

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really? i wear gloves and i'm no sissy diver...
Sorry Koya, I know you're no sissy diver. Please don't slap me with your purse...:)

Just joking. I guess we're not cuddling tonight? :D :1poke:

:D heheheheh...:1poke:
Hey Chip,
Dive & Trek called, they said they'll hold your gloves until you come back. :14:

Sorry Koya, I know you're no sissy diver. Please don't slap me with your purse...:)

Hah! Glad I wasn't drinking anything!
Hey Chip,
Dive & Trek called, they said they'll hold your gloves until you come back. :14:

:11: Huh? I have LOTS of dives in Dive & Trek, but never needed my gloves (although I always brought them:D ). Easiest, calmest, most current-free site anywhere in Batangas.:D
Sorry Koya, I know you're no sissy diver. Please don't slap me with your purse...:)

Just joking. I guess we're not cuddling tonight? :D :1poke:
hehehehe no way chip, wifey is getting impatient, i'm still here in the board, she wants me now! And oh don't worry, I think I left the "purse" at ellen's shop.
Hey Chip,
Dive & Trek called, they said they'll hold your gloves until you come back. :14:

Hah! Glad I wasn't drinking anything!
w/c reminds me! i still have spoon's poseidon glove... he left it in balai during the rescue course

:11: Huh? I have LOTS of dives in Dive & Trek, but never needed my gloves (although I always brought them:D ). Easiest, calmest, most current-free site anywhere in Batangas.:D
Which is why I used it to poke fun back at Chip. ;)
hehehehe no way chip, wifey is getting impatient, i'm still here in the board, she wants me now! And oh don't worry, I think I left the "purse" at ellen's shop.

shucks...give her my warm regards. I think I know the purse you're talking about. It matched my stillettoes so I tried buying it off Ellen except she's pretty good with the "purse kwan do"! :14: Sweet dreams pards.

Hey Chip,
Dive & Trek called, they said they'll hold your gloves until you come back. :14:
heheh, awesome touche. I just hope no one finds out they're from the neverland ranch!... :11:
No, they don't. They only cause damage if someone wearing them reaches out to touch the reef. Guess what? if someone who isn't wearing gloves touches the reef, the reef can become damaged. Guess what again, if someone wearing gloves doesn't touch the reef, no damage is done.

Wearing gloves causes SOME people to be less careful with their hands because of the protection they enjoy. Generalizing all glove wearers is wrong though.

Then why does Egypt ban dive gloves? Oh and shark fishing?
Because a huge amount of their income comes from visiting divers and they don't want the asset that divers come to see ruined.
Obviously you guys are all perfect divers and never touch the living reef. However in my experience gloved divers do touch the reef, sometimes a lot, whilst un gloved divers rarely touch the reef. Touching the reef is extremely damaging.
So anyone who wants to conserve the reef would not wear gloves and would not want to see others wearing gloves. This is why it is the law in so many places. It encourages people to dive properly.

The people I saw totally wrecking the reef in PG were all wearing gloves. Perhaps if these gloves were taken off them they would do less damage.

And the Coral Reef Alliance, dedicated to looking after reefs worldwide, is anti glove:

Avoid all contact with corals and other marine life and never chase or ride marine animals
Take nothing living or dead out of the sea, except recent garbage
Maintain good buoyancy control
Practice good finning technique and body control
Ensure all equipment is well secured so that it cannot drag or snag on corals
Only handle, manipulate or feed marine life under expert guidance, never just to take photographs
Avoid using gloves and kneepads in coral reef environments
I havn't seen a single person I was diving with who was wearing gloves pawing the reef. Of course, I haven't been going to touristy areas either. Of course you'll find people with less concern/education/skill in those places.

You seem bound and determined to paint everyone with the same brush. So be it, you're entitled to your opinion. Just realize that the intolerance you show will reflect on your other, although valid, opinions regarding unskilled divers hitting the reefs.

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