PSD: 2nd Annual ScubaBoard 17th Annual OceanWATCH Clean-up Dive

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Someone found a gun? Oh man.. I hope I find a nice full auto and ATF lets me hold it for them.... my very own MA Duece that would be cool!

I am looking forward to this working dive, afterwards I can be proud that I removed a tintsy little fraction of entanglement hazards from the beaches that the turtles swim to.

Terry and I will be attending as well. Would love to hook up with you, Kim and Vicki for some good times. Interested?


PS - you never respond to my PMs.... I'm feeling sad....
Neal suggested doing the Miss Dania Beach .... Don't know if we can or not, but the Sea Emporer may be an option also.

Hmmm, atsa quite a bit of distance between the two sites.
Hollywood vs. Deerfield Beach ??
Jenny, Save me a spot on the couch, I will be there after work on friday.... sunday dive hmmmmmmm sounds good to me..

Jenny, Neal was saying the Tennaco towers and then the Miss Dania??? this the one, I told him I was with the group so hopefully its the right boat....

either way it sounds like its going to be another wild SB party...... See ya'll there
Lee- I have never gotten a PM that I never responded to.? I am staying in S Florida this week as I am using some of the vacation time that is acrruing.

It will be good to see the two of you again. I am looking forward to it. If I can find my way around now. Geesh move out of a town for ten years and you can barley recognize anything anymore. MAN the skyline has changed here! Huge Condo's!

See ya'll soon..

have fun.... AT WORK..

Eric and Vicki,

After the clean up thing, are you folks doing a recreational dive off a boat somewhere? Would love to join you if that's the case. Let me know.

We're doing a wrap up party at John U Lloyd Park.. then Jenny's having a BEvERage party at her house after that... and Sunday those of us without hangovers will be doing a boat dive. :D

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