Well, I wound up spending the day running the family around town, but an afternoon phone call from Jenny let me know the party was on, and I packed up the car, complete with refreshments and headed down!!!
The usual suspects were already in place, and I was met at the door with a rum drink by Marvelicious herself (thanks, sweetie!!). Orlando_Eric (who may require a screen name change one of these days), down4fun, SFLDiver, and new additions Alex and Donna (hope she makes it onto the board) were already hanging and ready to party!
As always, rum drinks flowed, Conch talk continued (if you were not there, you WERE discussed
), and good ol' Jimmy B. added some tunes (thanks guys for putting up with my music fetish).
Alas, the evening ended and Jenny and I were the last remaining Conch Sluts........and the conversation from there is anyone's guess!!
Sorry this weekend was flooded out; however, I will start planning a Conch dive or five in the near future........I'm feeling the urge to submerge!!!!!