PSD: 2nd Annual ScubaBoard 17th Annual OceanWATCH Clean-up Dive

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ok, i have a question, please:

WHERE are we meeting Saturday morning?

is it the Pompano Beach Pier? If so... where the heck is that?

(yes, probably in Pompano Beach...)
Andy, you are so smart! :D
Andy, you are so smart! :D


my super-duper emoticon detects . . . some irony here?


(this, btw, is my new super-duper emoticon... my old one got overloaded
and blew up at the Ginnie get-together)

and now, to continue to answer my own question, is this the place?

222 N Pompano Beach Blvd Pompano Beach, FL 33062-5100,+fl&country=us&new=1
What is the parking situation like at the pompano pier. Will we be able to gear up at the car and walk down to the beach, or will we need to drop off gear and park elsewhere.

Just wondering as i haven't been there before.
You drop gear off and park. Parking is free for the clean up!
We'll be able to drop gear at the site, parking last year was via paper permit across the street in a bank parking lot. It's not so far as to make it inconvenient to walk back to our rendezvous point, but its not a fun trek with all your gear! :D ``
I'm in !!! WOOHOOO!!!!
Any chance to get WET and hang out with you guys is always welcomed.
I am looking forward to this trip especially since it falls nicely into the middle of my littl June vacation! I intend to visit the Reef of South Florida for lots of shore diving! Jenny has warned me that I might cry in my mask having not been there in over 15 years. I am going to keep my fingers crossed.

I heard of a nit wit spearing a midnight parrot fish recently though! I would hate to see that happen but from a quote in Pulp Ficition... "Catching someone doing it would almost be worth them doing it."

As many others on this board when we are off duty and relaxing on our day off we are not interested in cop(ing) but that would defintley be worth the ink and time on a day off. What a bone head.. a nimrod.. a ###%%@@@@!!!%%!!!! Too bad someone did not dial up the fish and bunny cops on that bone head.

I hope to collect lots of leadfish and monafillet's on this trip. It is going to be more of a working dive than a fun dive but at the end of the day you can be proud of what you did cleaning up trash from a reef. Just remember one man's discarded BudLight can is a reef critters deluxe home. Don't pick up everything thinking it is trash some poor critter may come home to a wizard of oz kansas home removal.

See you there.


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