PSD: 2nd Annual ScubaBoard 17th Annual OceanWATCH Clean-up Dive

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Cool! I know we barely made a dent in the debris also, plus there is a years worth of stuff, and who knows what the hurricanes brought in! Are we gonna ID the leadfish?? :D
Count me in y'all..... I'm always up for some lead fishing....

Rum tote at Jenny's house... I'm thinking that's where the party will be... it's a BYOF event
Rum tote in S. Florida! NO DRINKING before the cleanup (except for Friday night) :D
Hey guys...... One question..... What's up with all the Conch's???? This thing is usually BUSTING at the seems....

Slackers :11ztongue :11ztongue
It will gather steam the closer it gets, hopefully. Be pretty tough to beat last year, however.
Circumstatial difference for me right now hun. Last year at this time I had corporate funding to support my activities while ingraining a deep seeded dislike for all things cubical office related. Now its driving to get businesses off the ground to make $ and support the family with the end result of a lot less time to screw off online because I need to be out either fulfilling client needs or promoting the businesses.
I should know shortly if I can attend.
Color me in. Where are you going to be playing around at, Vicki? All I know of are the boats - don't know any good bridges or piers. Will Eric be joining us? The thought of him with a big knife is kinda scary though. Keep me advised. If I'm not on the road, I'll probably attend.

Hoya - You know that I have just Been itching for the excuse to dive with a knife over 9" in length! I think this is it! I have had my eye on this cermonial Khukuri blade I can dive with Zero lead if I strap on one of those gigantic puppies!

BatiedStorm - Great to have our very own Scubaboard Nag to let us know when we are slacking. Is this when we all collectivley sigh.. "yes dear' and sign up for the event?

I am on vacation that week... I was going to go to cozumel but .....

Where are we diving? Pompano Pier? What is this about a boat fee? I am certain I can swim the length of a pier.. I mean geesh.

This might be a good excuse to finally buy that SOG Navy Seal Knife so I can wear it on the dive boats and talk about how it was when, "I was on The Teams."

See ya all there...

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