Sorry for the confusion. You're given 24 hours to edit your content and then that's it. Whatever you post to the community, belongs to the community.
I have no idea why you think ScubaBoard is "toxic" and I don't recall you ever reporting users and/or posts to help us identify and deal with any supposed toxicity. That's OK and there's no requirement for doing so, but you're not helping yourself or other users with your silence. More often than not, toxicity is a code word for "people disagree with me". I have no idea if that's the case here, but if you post something stupid people are going to point that out. If they call you stupid and you or someone else reports it, we're going to step in and edit or delete the post(s). Sure, they can call your ideas and methodologies stupid and we won't do a thing. They can disagree with you and your reasoning all they want as long as they don't call you a derogatory name. If you post something on the interwebs, you better have your big boy underpants on.
Your reputation is yours and yours alone to protect. We'll gladly step in if someone takes it too far, starts stalking you or makes a threat but we can't and won't protect you from yourself if it gets reported. However, your reputation is entirely up to you. If you don't like the bed you've made for yourself here, you're free to go somewhere else, but we're not going to sanitize your laundry after the fact. We're not going to destroy threads just because you want to take your posts and go home. It's not fair to the community to let you do that.
So if you want to leave, just stop coming back. It's so easy just to stop clicking on the link. No need to create a "poor wittle ol' me" drama thread about how you've been maligned when you haven't reported much of anything.