Getting stung whether mild or more severe is no fun.......Old guy advice here.......
I know people hate being hot and in the tropics want to "go native"....Or they just dislike full coverage dive skins, wetsuits of various thicknesses and finally hoods. I get it......Ages ago I learned when I was a cold water diver to LOVE my wetsuit hood(s).
For several decades I never dive without full body coverage including a
bibbed thin 1.5mm beat to snot Henderson 1.5mm hood.
After getting stung on the neck the bibbed hood became my norm. I lay it flat inside a Long Sleeve Rash Guard I wear underneath a 1.0mm, 2.5mm or whatever one piece back zip suit.
I've watched dive guides all over the world adapt clothing to minimize or eliminate stings. When the water's warm in Asia or wherever many wear long leggings under their board shorts now along with Long Sleeve Rashguards.
I noticed dive guides cutting a small thumb hole in the sleeve end pulling it down mostly covering the BACK of their hands from mild hydroids or whatever. In no gloves allowed environments this works pretty well
Finally, look up at night as your safety stop ends.....
If you see any gelatinous creatures bobbing above blast gas from your Octopus / AIR 2 or primary regulator 2nd stage. It'll blow away the stingers right under the ladder, then surface slowly and climb aboard FULLY dressed unless you pop your tank off to hand it up.
If climbing a nice ladder suitable with gear on (if you can, I get it not everyone's cup of tea) I keep my damn mask on, regulator in my mouth until I'm ON THE BOAT.
I've seen people surface all excited pulling their mask off regaling everyone about the night dive only to get stung on their face, suck salt water from a wave, etc.
Please don't!
Have fun diving, cover up (hey, you can play Ninja depending on your dive suit color) and be safe
David Haas