Planning a trip to Indonesia? - Watch out!

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And is in line with European averages on abortions at 15 weeks being the limit. The US under Roe and Casey which allowed for few restrictions was an exception, not the rule.

Most are 12 weeks or less. Other European countries not in the EU have their own laws some down to 6 weeks or not allowed at all.

Anyway I will still be enjoying my vacations and work trips to Indonesia :)

Our group just cancelled our 2-week trip to Bali, even though we are all married couples.

Religious fantacism cannot be tolerated.

We're going to Palau instead.
Sounds pretty fantacistic to me. :rolleyes:
Do you understand how different Bali is from the rest of Indonesia?...

Irrelevant. It's still part of Indonesia.

Just because El Paso is "different" from Houston doesn't mean that I'm going to vacation in El Paso.
Irrelevant. It's still part of Indonesia.

Just because El Paso is "different" from Houston doesn't mean that I'm going to vacation in El Paso.

Florida and Texas are both part of the USA.

There is a significant cultural and political difference from Bali to the rest of Indonesia. The Indonesian gov't knows Bali brings in a lot of tourism and the entire island's economy is supported by it. They allow Bali a lot more flexibility and self-governance to accommodate.
I certainly support voting with your wallet but wouldn't want to you miss out on how amazing Bali is.
Unless things go significantly awry, I will be retiring there.
Florida and Texas are both part of the USA.

There is a significant cultural and political difference from Bali to the rest of Indonesia. The Indonesian gov't knows Bali brings in a lot of tourism and the entire island's economy is supported by it. They allow Bali a lot more flexibility and self-governance to accommodate.
I certainly support voting with your wallet but wouldn't want to you miss out on how amazing Bali is.
Unless things go significantly awry, I will be retiring there.
These laws are not intended to be applied on visitors at all in the whole of Indonesia. Again, only the children, parents or the spouse can file a complain. The complain will always involve both of the reported couple. Before this law was approved anybody could file a complain. This is actually an improvement. The intention is to protect women against the risk that the husband simply leaves her and the kids behind without any support. Personally I do not agree with this law, but the international media paint a picture which is false. Indonesia is a young but well functioning democracy, based on the slogan: United in Diversity. We have direct elections for our President/Vice President, Governor and the vice and even the mayors and the vice mayor. More important is that the huge majority of the people are very aware that a democracy only has an extra value of it respect the rights of the minorities (as stated several time by our former president Gus Dur).
what the **** did i just read? (comments).. :eek: In every country there will always be laws and regulations that make us turn up our noses... if we are unable to accept the differences even when they don't affect us, we will remain happy at home... :wink:
i will keep going to indonesia, my second home.. maybe not in banda aceh.. :cool:
These laws are not intended to be applied on visitors at all in the whole of Indonesia. Again, only the children, parents or the spouse can file a complain. The complain will always involve both of the reported couple. Before this law was approved anybody could file a complain. This is actually an improvement. The intention is to protect women against the risk that the husband simply leaves her and the kids behind without any support. Personally I do not agree with this law, but the international media paint a picture which is false. Indonesia is a young but well functioning democracy, based on the slogan: United in Diversity. We have direct elections for our President/Vice President, Governor and the vice and even the mayors and the vice mayor. More important is that the huge majority of the people are very aware that a democracy only has an extra value of it respect the rights of the minorities (as stated several time by our former president Gus Dur).

That is exactly what happened to my fiancé's family. Her father found a younger wife and just left. No support for his first wife, my fiancé's mother, or any of their children. He refused to file for divorce, so she was never able to remarry or claim any form of support. A law like this in place might have helped her family.
I quit going to Florida more than 10 years ago.
BTW the diving in FL ain't that good. There are much better and cheaper places, where the people are much nicer.
I really enjoy the diving in key largo, but better and cheaper always sounds good.

What suggestions would you make for better and cheaper diving for someone traveling from us east coast?
What suggestions would you make for better and cheaper diving for someone traveling from us east coast?

1. Cozumel
2. Cozumel
3. Cozumel

While not necessarily cheaper, the diving in Bonaire, Cayman Islands, and Turks & Caicos is better than anything in Florida.

Belize is pretty cheap. Belize City is a third-world s***hole, but Ambergris Caye is kinda cool. The reefs are on-par with Florida, but it's such a tourist destination that you are treated like a noob diver everywhere you go unless you hire a private guide. We won't go back there again.

The reefs in Honduras are very nice (in between the dynamite fishing areas), but it's more complicated to get there. Worth at least one trip.

Diving in the Galapgos is pretty good. You can stay in Puerto Aora pretty cheap. I had a clean air-conditioned room at a hostel for $25 per night. Food is dirt cheap. Diving prices are on-par with Florida, $130 for a two-tank dive. Hammerhead sharks everywhere. Bring a drysuit or 7mm wetsuit! Try to avoid connecting in Quito, fly directly to Guayaquil instead if you can. I did a trip report on the Galapagos years ago here on Scubaboard. It's a bit dated by now:

The Bahamas have pretty unimpressive reefs, don't waste your time.

Soon we'll spend 3 weeks in Palau, including a liveaboard cruise, I'll post a video in a month or two.
Florida and Texas are both part of the USA.
Yeah, and I don't go to either state.
I don't shop online from any company in either state.
I don't fly with connections through either state.

It's been a decade (or more) since I've set foot in Florida, and a few decades since I've set foot in Texas. The only thing I'm missing is dealing with idiots.

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