Concur on 32%. A must have. Profiles are classic nitrox profiles (max depths ~80 ft with weighted average of 45 ft). You're going a long way and, if like me, will want to dive your brains out (4x/day every day without feeling sluggish/nappish/stupid). Besides, Raja is not the place to get bent (even a little) so why mess around.
If it were me I and I was committed to land based, I'd try something like ten days each at either end of the Dampier straight-Cove Eco looks like a good choice (on my radar) for the western end and gives close proximity to Fam, Gam, Kawe as well as Aljui Bay. The east end gives access to all the Dampier classics (Cape Kri, Mike's, Mioskon, Sawanderek, Chicken, Sardine's, etc). You can dive the whole strait from a land based op at either end, but you might pay extra for longer drives. That can add up over two+ weeks.
I was in North Raja last April with nine days on land and nine on LOB. Visited many of the same sites. Takeaways: 1) the same site changes a lot from dive to dive/day to day so no worries about doing the same site a couple of times. 2) the night dives were much better on the LOB because each was a new site (instead of the same house reef all the time which is common practice for many land based ops). No matter how good the house reef is the risk (as I found out) is that everyone at the place wants to dive the house reef which can mean a crowded chaotic dive. The LOB means you can spread out and may have fewer divers in the water.
Thanks. Spot on - going for 9/10 days at one place and 7/8 at another is now my plan. But hate to miss out on the different night dives of a LOB.
Strangely enough I feel more sluggish/nappish with nx than on air - I know it's weird - so nx would mostly be for the NDL - and yes: traveling that far (and leaving our daughter at home) we do want to dive our brains out.