Photographers, cry with me....

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okay. Robonet cop/ SB role model.
:D Did you mail my Christmas present yet? You know it is getting close. :wink:

<end hijack>
Mine too!!!!!!
Too late for your current loss, but one tip for anything you really care about: Put it online. Don't let that be your ONLY copy, of course... but except for my oldest photos, all the pictures I care about since about 1995 are up on my website in photo galleries. And the entire website is backup to CD/DVD peridically, as well as living on multiple machines (home, laptop, work, wife's computer, etc) so I can make updates from multiple locations. My home could burn town tomorrow and I could lose EVERYTHING (god forbid!) but my website, complete with all the photos I care about most, would still be safely running in a data center somewhere in Orange County, so I could get them back. California would have to experience a true apocalypse for me to actually lose those shots. Which reminds me, I should burn a backup set of disks and send them to my relatives in Illinois one of these days...

Web hosting. Best insurance policy you can have.

Let's see now...All those cute and private pictures "securely" online. The company that owns the server goes belly up. Or, some employee decides to take a few copies home for "personal" entertainment. Or, ..... Then I'm in the wilds of no high speed internet and need a copy of one of those images. Well you get the picture:)

Lots of solutions. But, respectfully, I have to caution against using a non-owned web server.
I, too, feel your pain. I agree with C about the nursing home.

Your post freightened me enough that as I type this I'm burning another DVD of the pics on my hard drive and I'll send it out-of-state for safe-keeping.

I know there are many pictures you will miss. Believe me when I say that the memories you carry in your mind will be more important. Pictures are those memories you share with others. The ones in your mind are much more precious. As a friend, I could only share a distant shoulder, I am sure Roger gave you one to use that means much more than mine.
Lisa - I feel your pain. Its happened to me, by my daughter when she was 14. She thought all those negatives and pictures of her (and everyone else) was not cool! Now she is 28, and still apologizing.

Thank you again Dennis, and you're right - Roger was very much there for sweet it made me cry.

Oh that is sad too Dave, she threw away her own life in pictures :(
If it was that important to you, you could have gone home to visit and retrieved them yourself. While the others involved may have been somewhat inconsiderate one must ultimately be accountable to oneself.

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