Photographers, cry with me....

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Oh crap...sorry to hear about this Leesa.

Only decent thing about digital cameras, you can save on computer after computer etc!
Poor Baby.....Sniffle...Makes me sad to think about the dumb pix we all take of our babies...I feel so bad for you.. Want a couple of my kids to feel better???? Got some naked babies in the tub pix I use for blackmail!!!!LOL
Heart crushing!! my sympathies leesa. :hugs:
I'll shed a tear for those cast away memories over my martini's this evening. :(
I did something sort of like this last year but with digital. I was getting a new laptop so I copied all my pics to the boat hardrives, we have over a terrabyte of data storage. Well somewhere in their I forgot to copy to my external hardrive. Well I went to copy the pics but they were gone. My system administrator was trying to free up space so he wrote a program that was supposed to delete any old data and the program he wrote deleted all the data instead. He forgot to try the program out before installing. So just about every digital picture I had ever taken got deleted. Now I have 3 and sometimes 4 copies of everything. On my laptop hardrive, dvd, external hardrive, and on the boat network. I hope that never happens again. I had memories from many cool jobs around the world.
Too late for your current loss, but one tip for anything you really care about: Put it online. Don't let that be your ONLY copy, of course... but except for my oldest photos, all the pictures I care about since about 1995 are up on my website in photo galleries. And the entire website is backup to CD/DVD peridically, as well as living on multiple machines (home, laptop, work, wife's computer, etc) so I can make updates from multiple locations. My home could burn town tomorrow and I could lose EVERYTHING (god forbid!) but my website, complete with all the photos I care about most, would still be safely running in a data center somewhere in Orange County, so I could get them back. California would have to experience a true apocalypse for me to actually lose those shots. Which reminds me, I should burn a backup set of disks and send them to my relatives in Illinois one of these days...

Web hosting. Best insurance policy you can have.
Or put them on a disk in a safe deposit box.
Thank you all for your compassion and suggestions. I will save what I have....and go on with the hurt.

Thank you again
Want a couple of my kids to feel better???? Got some naked babies in the tub pix I use for blackmail!!!!LOL

I would love to share the joy of your baby pictures...but I'll let you keep your kiddies :wink:
I’m very sorry to read of your recent family loss Lisa. Did you ever get back what was on the computer a while back that passed on also? Sounds like one loss after, and this one, being let down by someone you know, love and trust, very hard. I sure hope you’ve hit the magic number of three bad and it’s time for the good three.

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