Photographers, cry with me....

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Dry heat diver believe me, if I could have gone back, I would have...but then you don't know me so you can't understand that part.

PS: if you look, I never said I was mad at them....I am sad about what happened.
Ouch, sorry about the loss... that just reminded to get off my arse and finish a long due project to scan all our family slides/ negatives sitting at my mom's home. Dad used to be bit of a camera buff so there's a lot of them to go thru. I'm sure the family, now spread around the globe, would appreciate seeing those pics since he passed away a few years ago.

I just need to find and burn the photos of me dressed in Garanimals and other embarrasing 70's-80's fashion... :D
Thanks pakman, if this thread was able to help someone save their photos/negatives/files...that would make me happy.

I just need to find and burn the photos of me dressed in Garanimals and other embarrassing 70's-80's fashion... :D

Now that, I would love to see :eyebrow: ....
A few weeks ago, I had placed over 100 images onto our network drive at work to free up a card. I used the card on a case I was working, but then didn't do anything with the photos, since I thought they wouldn't go anywhere. Wrong!

We had nasty windstorm, Thursday night, that somehow affected the net drive. The images I placed there are gone, as well as anything else placed on that drive for several weeks. I have some of those images backed up, since I had copies on a disk to share with some friends. However...

Oh, well, it could have been much worse.
Let's see now...All those cute and private pictures "securely" online. The company that owns the server goes belly up. Or, some employee decides to take a few copies home for "personal" entertainment. Or, ..... Then I'm in the wilds of no high speed internet and need a copy of one of those images. Well you get the picture:)

Lots of solutions. But, respectfully, I have to caution against using a non-owned web server.
There is a difference between putting "sensitive photos" up online, and putting a general family photo album, which is pretty much what seemed to be under discussion. I would leave that to individual discretion. l also never advocated that be the ONLY backup method. And finally, a webhost going belly up is always possible (see previous sentence) but I don't see Earthlink or any other major provider going anywhere anytime soon... mom and pop shops are your own risk. Usually there is enough warning, however, the site could be moved. And it would only matter if both a local disaster and the belly up webhost happened at the same time.

An owned (if colocated) webserver would be ideal, but a little out of the price range and abilities of most. Thus my suggestion... I good one, I would submit. But not to be taken without a normal application of common sense.
Oh Leesa. I feel for you. I have been there. My one and only roommate ever, threw out all my christmas stuff, photos, etc. I no longer have pics of my son's first christmas or anything special like that. Serious bummer.
There is a difference between putting "sensitive photos" up online, and putting a general family photo album, which is pretty much what seemed to be under discussion. I would leave that to individual discretion. l also never advocated that be the ONLY backup method. And finally, a webhost going belly up is always possible (see previous sentence) but I don't see Earthlink or any other major provider going anywhere anytime soon... mom and pop shops are your own risk. Usually there is enough warning, however, the site could be moved. And it would only matter if both a local disaster and the belly up webhost happened at the same time.

An owned (if colocated) webserver would be ideal, but a little out of the price range and abilities of most. Thus my suggestion... I good one, I would submit. But not to be taken without a normal application of common sense.

Unfortunately lots of folks today are hungry for personal information of all kinds. That is compounded by the seeming need of too many people to play censor, or judge on personal material. So, the wise thing to do is protect those images both for your future enjoyment and from those who would pry for innocent or nefarious purposes.

As far as company longevity: Well take a look at the mergers, buy outs, etc in the industry. Lots of changes in communication and computer providers. One only needs to look at history to realize that the new company too often ignores the promises of the old.

So, given how inexpensive large external hard drives are the best solution to me is to back everything up on one, or more, of them. Then when you want to send a picture merely either print a copy or burn a disk. Or, if you want to send it via the internet to whomever you wish.
Thanks Miss....that hurts me for you too...

I hope you didn't have your vacation pictures on that net drive jcsgt....wonder how it happend?
oh man! sorry to hear about your loss leesa. old pics are truly priceless :shakehead first thing i did when i got a scanner several years ago was to scan all the old pics before archiving the negatives. good thing i did 'coz i eventually misplaced the negatives when we transfered to our new house several years back...haven't found them since.

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