Isn't that better than trying to source parts every year on various websites with the possible inevitability that the parts won't be available anymore? Just trying to figure out the most cost effective way to have my own regs.
A couple of things here.
First off, I don't know any one of us who DIY service that service a reg once a year. I am more in the 4 or 5 year range, they simply do not need servicing that often. I keep a close eye on their performance and if it's working perfect I don't mess with it.
Sourcing parts is not a big a deal for that reg. There are ony 2 "special" parts in that reg, the HP seat and the diaphgram (changed every 2nd or 3rd service), both of which can be gotten from VDH or any DIY friendly Aqualung or Mares dealer. They are used in almost every current model AL sells so they are not going away any time soon. The rest of the parts are common orings that are $2-3 per 100. The only other part that needs changing is the filter which is a common part sold by Trident (VDH has them) and it's used in a lot of regs so finding one is no big deal. All the parts needed to service that reg is in the $20 range. Most places charge more than that in labor to service one stage, much less 3. While on the subject, simple down stream second stages may need service a little more often but all that most of them need is a good cleaning and a $3 seat (or you can make them by the dozens for a few cents a piece). HP second stages need a little more TLC but still the parts are a lot less than the labor cost to service it under parts for life programs.
There is one special tool needed or at least very nice to have for that reg, a HP nozzle assembly tool. It can be reassembled without one but it is a real pain in the rear to do.