Originally posted by MikeFerrara
What level of narcosis is acceptable?
What tasks do I expect to perform and what level of impairment can I exhibit and still perform those tasks? Lets look at a specific task, responding to a reg free-flow. If I can, without impairment, switch regs and shut down one post in 8 sec and, with some impairment, do it in 10 sec can I still make the dive? If not, then if it takes another diver 10 sec normally he should never make the dive. The point is if the dive is well within my limits I should be able to function adequately with some impairment. If I can tolerate no impairment and you are slower than me than you can never dive. Many environmental factors can impair us. How much of one factor we will accept should be partially dependant on how much of the others we expect. Cold impairs us. Should we never dive in water colder than 70 F? Balancing the various risks in relation to one another, our ability, our buddys ability and the benefits of the dive is part of dive planning. Reducing all risks as much as reasonably possible should be the goal. But, what END is reasonable? My answer is a list of questions. For whom? Where? When? What is the temperature? Who is my teammate? What is the mission? What is the level of related experience? Has the mission been rehearsed? How important is the dive? I dont see it as clear-cut and I certainly dont want someone else to decide for me.
Thanks for trying to keep us on topic
I think your view points are valid
I think that each person develops a personal tolerance for narcosis. and within this personal tolerance that person starts to understand the peramitres of that tolerance.
For instance back in 1983 I was doing dives often below 200ft - you might say seeking out narcosis, I enjoyed is as one would an illegal drug.
Today I would not do a dive deeper than 150 on air as that is my average personal narcosis depth limit.
I will tell you a story about narcosis that happend to me this January.
My budy and I planned a dive to 200 ft, I hed some He in my tank, but also wanted to match his deco stops. so I set my He at 5% just a touch to cut the edge.
we dropped down rapidly decending then at 175 i got a very sudden rush of 'panic, & hyperventalation' Narcosis. I knew this was phisilogical and not phycological because for me this was the shallowest dive either of us had done in quite some time. and the dive was based on the fact the He was not available at the time.
I aborted the dive at 175 after a dive time of 2 minutes.
I gave the sign for narced to my budy and we ascended Because I knew this was a function of PPN2 I watched very carefully my depth gauge and at precisley 132 ft the feeling was gone just like someone turned on a light switch.
Since our dive plan was based on a 200 ft for 30 minutes dive we decided to play with Narcosis a bit. to better understand ourselves on that day with narcosis. we descended SLOWLY back down to 170 I felt zero effects but my partner found this to be his comfort level. I continued down to 185 with still no effects but I was at the vis limit to be within sight of my buddy.
we dove at this depth for about 5 minutes as my buddies symptoms increased we had to ascend to 150 were his symptoms went away. Mine never came back.
he was fine throghout the dive at this depth.
Post dive analasis/discution
My narcosis hits me strong when i upload PPN2 rapidly, yet with continues slow exposure the effects are mild or non existant
My buddy found that slow long exposure slowly built up in him and therefore had an effect over time at depth.
based on my END and his acual depth we both had strong effect at about 166 ft. his starting off slow and building throughout the dive and mine hitting me hard and then disapating. the difference may be a result of our difference in SAC rate mine is about twice what his is
We decided that our current personal limit would be 150 well bellow this depth.
Narcosis has recently started effecting me differently than ever before and stronger than ever before.
I believe this is a result in changing my descent rate for deeper dives. I have recently started descending at 100 feet per minute I can honestly say that Narcosis prior to this has had little if any effect on me except for a slight feeling of uephoria, but it disapates in just a few minutes at that depth, so i have to chase after it
I do not advocate or teach deep air. But I am willing to discuss it.
for me deep air starts at 150 because that is my personal discription of my limits. This may change over time. 20 years ago I would have said 240 was deep air