Hey All, I am just starting my OWD class tomorrow and just signed into this forum today (because of this thread), so I have really no business in replying on this thread on this forum just yet and hope I am not offending anyone by doing so anyway, to say and ask this:
-1-Thank you for the forum and the thread. Good thread.
It aids my sanity to know that there are such people, because if you are a safety concious, considerate, well planning (etc.), self reliant person at heart for all your life, reading through the PADI OWD manual in preparation for the class sure makes you wonder what kind of follow the herd thing you are about to sign up for... - Someone in this thread has a link in his signature to (some outfit ? called) lonesheepdiving or such. I am new to this, don't even dive just yet, but that right now after reading through this book is funny to me!
-2- Well, not sure I should ask an equipment question and a somewhat open ended one at that here, but I sure do not have to worry about making a fool out of myself anymore, so I dare:
So, if your ultimate goal (down the road) is to be say a self reliant (or really, more truthfully: solo) diver, sometimes kayak diver (I got the kayak skills covered),
(the issue of air supply is there of course when one truly thinks of being self reliant... - unless one succumbs to solar powered hookah or miracles in rebreather cost etc. are going to happen (yeah there is the noise in scuba, but as long as real rebreathers cost more than low end scuba compressors they are a long way from being interesting to me) - anyway, ignore that for the moment)
- so if one fancies oneself to be that kind of diver some day down the road and if one is frugal (is there such a thing as a frugal diver?) --- what initial equipment is "safe" to buy initially, while just starting out because it will be used long enough before it is going to be replaced with something better or more upgrade or more "tech" --- and what equipment might I consider upgrading to certain features right away (and for what reason) instead of sinking money into "getting started level stuff"?
- Or asking the same sort of differently: what kind of features / performance spec etc. does an experienced "self reliant diver" not want to miss in their kit?