Laughing, it is cold outside so might as well argue, lol, plus I am putting off my two mile swim as long as possible today

. What I am saying is a Spare Air is half the weight and complexity (of a six cf tank and regulator) and is
self contained and therefore IMO more likely to be carried across 150 yards of sand and 200 yards of parking lots to get to the 100 yards of sand and then a half mile swim out to the 20 foot reef. And then repeat in reverse. And IMO is completely adequate for that dive profile. Really, in such dives the question is whether any redundancy is needed. But I realize, for very shallow dives, still some would carry a spare mask, a spare set of fins, a spare knife, a spare tooth brush so might as well carry a Spare Air!
Regarding your suggestion, rather than slinging for very shallow dives, I think the 6cf in a nylon pouch secured to a camband and an Air Buddy would be an excellent minimalist rig. Slung tanks are hard to walk with especially if toting a camera rig and they bang the camera, especially while walking or entering/existing surf.
Normal Diver Priority:
1. The diver
2. Everything else.
Photo Diver Priority:
1. The camera rig
2. The camera rig