Well, not exactly. Later in the same section it says:I took this right out of the Padi Instructor Guide page 18
The most common reserve for self-reliant diving is 33 percent
(“thirds” or “rule of thirds”). This means 33 percent of your
supply is purely for contingency use.
Maybe not a standard but it appears recommended by Padi too.
"1. To establish when you should head back for the boat or shore,
you can follow the simple “rule of thirds.”
a. Use one third of your gas supply to swim out (away) from your entry point.
b. This leaves one third to return and one third in reserve in case you experience any difficulties.
2. Another common turnaround reserve for self-reliant diving is to halve your supply, then subtract 15 bar/200 psi and turn your
dive when you reach that amount. This means you have 50 percent of your supply plus a reserve to return and make your ascent, which is an option for no-decompression, no overhead environment diving.
3. Another option is to use elapsed time to establish a turn around point.
a. Take your planned bottom time, subtract a reserve of five minutes, and divide the reminder by two.
b. Start to turn your dive when you have reached the time calculated"
So the IM gives you some options, and even says No. 2 above (50% +200 psi) is for NDL, non-overhead diving.
But these are NOT standards, and barely recommendations.