Online Dive Vendors/Dealers

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Confessions are in order...

My local dive shop is managed by good folks that give good advice and treat customers fairly. My problem is that they only carry one or two brands of most items and if I want to look at a wider selection I have to go elsewhere. Today we visited another nearby dive shop that is known for having the widest selection in the area and my intentions were strictly to “steal the salesman’s time and knowledge” and feel more comfortable making the purchase from my LDS. My plan backfired and I walked out of the shop with 2 bags full of stuff and spent plenty of $. The salesman convinced me that their product was better, demonstrated the proof, and got the sale. My LDS will still get the majority of my business, and I still have a lot of stuff to get, but anybody that I visit has a chance at my money, whether I walk through the door with the intention of buying or not.

My original comment still stands ... I welcome folks to come into my store and steal my sales staff’s time because, if they are doing their job, you will likely spend some money before you leave. If you don’t spend some money it was just fair competition and I lost. I can live with that or I can adapt.
Dunno if he's Jewish or not... it's not my business to know and I've never asked, nor has he asked about my beliefs. The point is that he has different life experiences from me, has been involved in hardcore sales for 25 years, and has been very successful. Our industry is dominated by people of foreign origin and of various religious beliefs (over 50% Middle Eastern and Indian). No matter what his beliefs, he needs to be (and apparently is) aware enough of his customers so as to avoid offending them. These customers are regular, repeat customers... I think his contact database contains less than 400 current contacts spanning maybe 20-40 agencies.
widest selection in the area and my intentions were strictly to “steal the salesman’s time and knowledge” and feel more comfortable making the purchase from my LDS.
There's a line somewhere. Shopping is shopping.
Another thing is regarding the sales staff's available time. If the store is empty, they may as well be entertaining you than sitting on their butts watching a video. They're going to be paid no matter what.

A few basic questions, and listening to a sales pitch, are never out of line. My point was when it comes to using the LDS as a dressing room for LeisurePro where the shop guy is making repeated trips to the stockroom and opening packaging. That's wrong, especially if the time spent doing this results in another customer not receiving service.

Put yourself in his place. You come in asking about a drysuit. He sees a potential big-ticket sale... one that'll make his week (nobody gets rich running a dive shop and a $300 profit is hard work). He's got two other people in the store, but he's obviously anxious to assist you, and doesn't want to piss you off (he still doesn't know what the other customers want).
He politely asks them to hold on, he'll be right with them.
You try on the Large, Large-Long, and XL suits.
During this 20 minutes, the other two customers get tired of waiting when they're only there to buy a lobster gauge and spare battery for their computer and walk out.
Maybe they'll be back, maybe they'll go to the dive shop down the street or across town. If they don't come back, the shop has lost two small sales, but two sales that consist of very high margin items.
Meanwhile, he did not get the drysuit sale because all you wanted to know was what size to order from LP.

I shop around locally, but I also do a lot of travelling. When I see a shop, if I have time, I'll stop and check it out. I'll be polite, and make it clear that I am just checking out the place. If the shopkeeper wants to make conversation, fine. If a customer comes in, I'll quickly step aside.
I'll usually buy something, even if it's as simple as a shop-logo slap-strap (I've probably got 20 from all over CA and CO if I could ever find them all).
OTOH, I've been in some shops where the staff is flat out rude. I'll do a slow lap through the shop and head for the door. If the worker doesn't acknowledge my presence in some way, then I'll return the favor. No trinket sale, and no "Thanks man, good bye".
Quote: "My point was when it comes to using the LDS as a dressing room for LeisurePro"

I have reread mine, and other posts here and i dont think this was mentioned once? I stand to be corrected of course.....but it seems my point has been missed completly.The example i used was if a situation occured where after going to a physical dive shop and trying to bargin a price, you went to another physical shop and purchased there,at a better price or online if the physical shops prices were way off...whats wrong with that? Besides, i dont really think the "dressing room" argument cuts it....what do you really *need* to try on ? suit and mask ? relativly inexpensive when compared to bcd, reg set and computers....
And i agree with other posters, what Scubatoys are doing is really the way forward, if they can get FMW, why cant other "store front"dive shops and sell online to the world ? Just wish they would open one in Ireland...the shipping is a killer ! LOL

Quote: "My point was when it comes to using the LDS as a dressing room for LeisurePro"

I have reread mine, and other posts here and i dont think this was mentioned once? I stand to be corrected of course.....but it seems my point has been missed completly.
Refer to posts 10, 11, 12, and 13 on page 1. You didn't come right out and mention LP, but that was how I understood the message, and how my followups were directed. The responses to my followups seemed to reinforce that idea.

The general attitude seemed to be to "punish" the shop for not pricing fairly. I "punish" them by not passing through their doors.
This is an interesting thread.

I tend to shop around to ensure I get a decent price on things. It's not that I don't want my LDS to make a fair profit and stay in business, I do and I'm willing to pay a bit more for the benefit! I just want to know that my hard earned and over taxed $$ are getting a fair chance as well.

Fortunately, my LDS is exceptional in service and fair pricing. They do their best to offer competitive pricing regardless of the source. Even on items that I can't buy over the net legitimately (i.e. Scubapro) they offer as competitive pricing as possible given manufacturer requirements. As such, they get most of my business. They are also very willing to assist and provide advice. (Now if only the local marina were the same way! LOL)
How can you know what they charge without passing through their doors ? how can you buy with confidence without checking the competition? This is not restricted to scuba gear, this is every major purchase....answer me this Rich, if you testdrove a car in one garage would you buy there and then or shop around? would you consider yourself a "thief" for wasthing that salespersons time if the guy down the street gave you a better deal ? and lets take it one step further....if you could buy that car online and save a few thousand ? would you still take the testdrive from the garage, just to get a feel for how it handles..... or would you still consider that stealing ?

And just in case you "assume" i am still reinforcing your idea of my original original ones, did not indicate i window shop and buy online, you may have misunderstood me.

This is an interesting dilemma...

Have been in sales from time to time in my life, I can understand both sides.

One way to look at it is if your intention is to buy online, and you "try on" or go to the LDS to have a hands on look, you are cheating the LDS...

On the other hand, as one poster pointed out, by visiting the LDS at all, you are affording them an opportunity to sell you something...and that "opportunity" justifies the visit, even though your original intention was to buy elsewhere.


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