Wow, so much hating on photographers and other crappy divers. 10 feet away from the reef? Confiscating gear? Seriously?
Hey, I'm all for avoiding obviously destructive behavior - I don't touch live coral, sponges, etc... It's not wrong to try to make people better divers, but let's be a bit less arrogant about our expensive little first world hobby.
If y'all really want to preserve aquatic nature,
dive locally and skip a flight to the tropics. Pass on a
couple of hamburgers and save 2000 gallons of fresh water. Spear your own fish or even catch your own lobsters (hah!), and spare the marine environment the impact of commercial harvesting, purse seine and longline fishing, with all of the bycatch and breeding stock degradation that goes with it. Or even better, become a vegetarian, to stop contributing to
water pollution. Don't drink bottled water. Tell people taking cruises that they suck.
It all seems kind of NIMBY. This PARTICULAR tiny piece of the ocean environment is conveniently accessible to scuba divers, so it must be preserved like a sacred relic, but the massive impact that people have on the overall ecosystem doesn't get the same treatment. Anyone want to cancel their trip to Bonaire to save some carbon?
I don't lie down on the reef, but I certainly do lie on the sand to get a macro shot. Sometimes in shallow water on my rebreather.