Hello all, and thank you for all the comments! I will keep all these comments in mind for the future.
Today I went to the Dr. to get the blessing to embark on my new adventure of getting my open water cert, and found that I have high blood pressure. It was 178 over 112 in both arms, and was immediately medicated, and I am told I could have killed myself if I went to depth in my condition.
I have the potential with lifestyle modification and medication to control this problem well enough to dive, so that is my new goal. I am not terribly over weight (could stand to drop 10 or 15 lbs) or out of shape, not someone who you would expect to be in this stage of hypertension. Food for thought.
Meanwhile, I can snorkel, and enjoy all else that is landloving.
Thankfully I got checked out! I had no idea I had this problem.
I look forward to when I am fit, and can be part of your community.
Sincere thanks, safe dives to you all!