What algorithm does it use? Couldn’t see it in the specs
@runsongas points out, it's Z+, same as Oceanic, Aeris, Hollis, etc. PZ+/Pellagic Z+. This is a middle of the road decompression algorithm based on Buhlmann ZH-L16C, with uncertain/undocumented changes. It runs somewhere around a GF hi of 85, give or take.
Aqua Lung touts features of the i770R like TFT screen, Bluetooth, rechargeable Li battery, 3 button navigation ..., but is very quiet about the decompression algorithm it runs. On their website, it is mentioned only if you carefully peruse the specs. In the manual, kindly supplied by
@gopbroek it is briefly mentioned on p29 and again in the technical data pp98,100,
Nearly $1,300 for computer and transmitter, and you get the Z+ deco algorithm. For just a touch less, you get the Perdix AI with transmitter. For a little more, you get the Teric and transmitter. For technical divers, there is no question. For mainly rec divers like me, well, I think there is no question. Aqua Lung obviously thinks differently, and, I would imagine, will be relatively successful, it's Aqua Lung.