If you're looking for a package deal, go with an AI and the onsite scuba operator. You might like the crappy food the cattle boats and the loud drunken parties after dark.
For the BEST scuba experience in Cozumel, you go a-la-carte dining, in a small quiet no frills hotel with excellent service, dine at local area restaurants and hire out a private divemaster to take you out.
Sorry, just my .02 cents... Life's just too short to eat AI food and scuba on the big crowded boats
I totally understand. Having read about cozumel now that's what i did. Booked a hotel(suites colonial) for 5 nights.
Next is Dive op.....(i am renting bc,reg too)
Dive with Martin, Salty Endeavors, a couple others I'm considering.
Isn't hiring out a private divemaster mean
I won't be in a group? In emergency a group is better isn't it? Anyone in that group going Out of air, tiger encounter etc.... group is better right?
Also are night dives worth in cozumel... what if there's a current lol