Hi. I got PADI certified at age 64 about 7 years ago but haven't dived in about 4 years now. But this Christmas holiday, my 32 year old non-diver son and I are looking to do a trip for him to get certified and me to take a reactivate refresher course. We're tentatively thinking about the Caribbean ( Caymans, Belize, Turks and Caicos, Roatan) . Would really LOVE some advice about our best options! Here's what's on our "wish list": A good school, where he can get certified and I can do the needed refresher/reactivate course. All boat dives....I'm just not up to or for lugging gear acorss the shore anymore! Good marine life, good visibility, warm (ish) water in late Dec. (I hate wet suits and would really love to dive in just a skin and am comfortable doing so in temps in the low 80s. ) Enough folks around, bars and restaurants, etc. to go to in the evenings for my son to enjoy on his own. Clean, nice place to stay with decent food options , but doesn't (in fact, shouldn't be) overly fancy (or pricey!)
All suggestions and advice welcome!
I'd recommend West End, Roatan.