Naked Surprise

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A ScubaBoard Staff Message...

Well when you look for the boundaries you shouldn't be too surprised if you occasionally get whistled down. It *is* a moderated site and you *were* out of line misquoting that guy.

I suppose you're right, but to go whining to a moderator is lame...especially when the original context was right above for all to see.
The original context can be changed after the "creative quoting" has been done. Therefore, better not do it. It will be removed when reported or noticed.

Thank you for your cooperation. :)
One the of the funniest responses I ever heard was a woman who was the victim of a weenie wagger, she did not respond to the man's intial exposure, so he waved himself a bit more and said:" What do you think this is then!" Her reply:"Looks something like a man's penis, only smaller..."
Depends on where you want to apply it.... :)

We were commenting above that the only thing that Jason and I really have in common when it comes to women is that looking at your avatar (the old one) made us want to kiss a red snapper. :D Then jep misquoted me and all hell broke loose.... :)


I miss all the fun!

I'd say something about the spanking, er slapping but I'm afraid your wife wouldn't like it.

I suppose giving Jep a good whack is always appropriate even if we're not quite sure why...

I miss all the fun!

I'd say something about the spanking, er slapping but I'm afraid your wife wouldn't like it.

Is there a smiley for raised eyebrows and a stupid grin? :eyebrow:

Come on Rachel, don't be shy now. :D

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It doesnt take long to stir things up around here. That's for sure.

Actually it's kind of disheartening. I hate winter!

How is the diving by you Rachel?
It's been good! The air temps are in the mid-80s, water temps around 78-79, vis is our usual 60-80'. I can't complain! You should try it sometime, you might like it!


P.S. Jep, you've been around long enough to know that the deeper we get into winter, more people start cyberdiving and the more spirited the debates :D
Yeah, I know...i go through this every stupid winter.

Not sure if I'll ever end up in St Thomas to dive, but you never know. In a sad way I'm looking forward to my local water hole to open up in April...brrrrrrrrrrrr.
RT airfare for under $400!! Thank you soft economy!!

You may not show up naked (just to keep this post on topic)
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