Is certification necessary for shallow water diving?

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Certification does not equal competent training. The terms should not be confused.

So, certification is by no means necessary. Competent training absolutely is, though

Sorry but I disagree. Competent training is absolutely and 100% a good idea and strongly recommended...... but unfortunately it is not NECESSARY for shallow water diving. If it was NECESSARY than no one could have ever in the history of the world dived shallow water without competent training......which is not the case.
The race is not always to the swift, not the battle to the strong, but that is the way to bet.
--origin disputed

Are there any instructors who do a really crappy job of teaching? Of course!
Are there some untrained, uncertified divers who can prepare you for basic diving? Of course!

So on the basis of those two points, do you skip certified instructors and go instead with a random friend who promises to show you all you really need to know? For some people, the answer is "Of course!"

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