Naked Surprise

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My favorite is the 'helicopter' :D and I have to admit... I may ask for a performance if I ever find the diver for me.

Dude! Right there with you!! Freaking Hilarious!!!

Don't laugh :D but, after reading about the tuck, the helicopter, watching an episode of South Park (Awesom-o), and seeing Kathy Griffens New Years clip.... I need a shower. :D

I have found this thread to be most interesting, hilarious at times, but disturbing as well.

I do not find any of it unusual or out of the ordinary. Many of my female friends have experienced such encounters of 'show and tell.' Even the hip thrusting 'god's gift to women' attitude.

And it is not limited to men parading. I have seen my share of 'surprises.' A few have been alcohol induced but not all.

What I do not understand is why? Ok, I think I understand on one plane but, really, what intellectual level does one possess to think that waving, showing, or whatever, the crown jewels is erotic? Certainly, in a given situation of intimacy, shared exposure can be sensual but the forced (as some have relayed) viewing is far from intimate, tending to the harassment level or more.

For the men perhaps it stems from a lack of security and confidence with women. It does not appear to be based on any respect for them, collectively or as individuals. There also appears to be an attitude that any given woman at any time is a sexual object which is never acceptable.

I know if I saw such behavior on a dive I would be less than impressed and more than willing to rise to the occasion ( sorry had to throw some levity in) and prevent further occurences, if needed. Sometimes this behavior is not limited to private situations, whether on a beach, boat, or elsewhere, and can easily be construed as criminal in many jurisdictions.

Boorish people abound everywhere.


(My flameproof wetsuit is now on and I am off of my soap box)
One of the funniest was a woman who wanted my attention shortly before the end of my shift (policeman) at 0300. I was professional and polite and left the parking lot where she was. Down the road she pulled up next to my patrol car, lifted her shirt and shouted :"Now do I have your attention?!"

As an undergraduate, on a bet, I stood on the corner of 63rd and City Line Ave in Philly and asked the first ten women who came by if they would sleep with me. The responses were interesting, and I did not have to be naked, nor helicoptering.

I'll bet that if you were wearing your police officer uniform, you would have gotten way more affirmatives than 30%. Just a hunch, but we tend to like a man in some uniforms, like a police officer or firefighter - but I'm sure you know that. I guess it would be unethical for a police officer to conduct that study. But hey, you could be a male stripper dressed as a police officer - as they often are. Not that I'd know. :blinking:

It sounds like it's a numbers game. Ask/Try enough female candidates and you'll eventually get lucky. Ask/Try enough male candidates and you'll probably get lucky faster. Much faster. :D
Ok, the OP Mr. Romeo was not the first date and it was appearing things were going along well as far as continuing the relationship, right up to the surprise part. It was the surprise that was a turn off. I would guess he felt encouraged to initiate sex. Apparently either Surprise! was not the right time or method for the OP to agree to intimacy. (Presumably they were not intimate before the surprise.)

I am not recalling any women claiming a similar surprise (could be wrong) but more of the (in my book) perverted stranger getting his rocks off by inappropriate sexual (of some sort) demonstrations inciting disgust or such.

In my experience working with a number of women, there were a large number with relatively limited acceptable sexual behaviors. Frankly I was dumbfounded at how limited, however none indicated they enjoyed sex period. The general run was frequent discussions of what they did not like about sex.
Could have been a regional thing, it was a church state after all. And I have not worked with a lot of women much in my years of employment so could also been a freak isolation.

Personally I do not have a problem with a naked surprise in general, as long as I am leaning to or currently in an intimate relationship. But as a warning to men, I think it could backfire, as it certainly did for Mr. Romeo.
My example: a fellow I was dating, not yet sure I wanted to be intimate with. I had a reason (Dr. appointment) to request if I could stay at his house to avoid paying for a hotel. He agreed and I expected to sleep on his couch or floor. He insisted I take his bed, eventually I was tired and wanted to sleep and gave in. Somewhere in the night he naked surprised me in his bed. The surprise was not the turn off per se. It was the inability to recognize no meant refusal.
I think it could be viewed I asked for the surprise. I asked to stay there, I accepted his bed, compared to the fellow laying the goods out on a table in a public place. In any case the surprise was a bad idea and pretty much took me off the fence then and there.

As for rude approaches...I am not a barfly, just never been my thing to go to a bar for a good time. (I think I am rather dull actually.) So once I was there in a bar, in my 30's and a very nice looking younger man approached and I was initially welcoming a conversation, flirting is fun. So is seeing the reaction when it is discovered I am older than I appear at first glance.

His first sentence was, "Do you want to f..k?"
I too blinked, and cocked my head wondering what this man actually said that sounded like do you want to...but really could not locate anything else it might have been.
"How often does that work?" I asked.

His entire demeanor changed, smiling elfishly and eyes twinkled, "Yes", he said, "quite surprising how well actually."
There were plenty of other potential aqusitions, and frankly younger and more appealing, the remainder of my stay but he stayed and entertained me the rest of the evening. Granted, this was years before the date rape drug, I doubt I would do so again. But I throughly enjoyed dancing and talking with this charming (and a gentleman) the remainder of the evening.

The thing about trolling is you never know what you will bring in.
Well when you look for the boundaries you shouldn't be too surprised if you occasionally get whistled down. It *is* a moderated site and you *were* out of line misquoting that guy.

Well when you look for the red snapper you shouldn't be too surprised if you occasionally get slapped down. It *is* a moderated site and you *were* out of line for groping that woman.


I suppose you're right, but to go whining to a moderator is lame...especially when the original context was right above for all to see.
I guess he didn't think it was as funny as you did.... :)


P.s. Cute... I hope Rachel doesn't read this or she won't know which one of us to slap... :D
Ok, which one of you do I get to slap?

Depends on where you want to apply it.... :)

We were commenting above that the only thing that Jason and I really have in common when it comes to women is that looking at your avatar (the old one) made us want to kiss a red snapper. :D Then jep misquoted me and all hell broke loose.... :)


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