NAET and asthma

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It took two weeks to fully clear my reaction to cold. I have passed that test and now am being treated for an egg/chicken allergy. This one was not severe but there is a specific order of treatment focused initially on alleviating allergies related to nutrition/immune function. The initial allergies tested are:

Egg mix -
Calcium mix
Vitamin C mix -
B Complex mix -
Sugar mix -
Iron mix
Vitamin A mix -
Mineral mix
Salt mix -
Grain mix -
Yeast mix

I had reactions to all with - next to them. We deviated from this list when I told the Dr. that I had reactions to cold. She treated that because it was triggering very bad attacks. They have stopped so she went back to original list.

I had one bad attack this week at a 5 mile race in a State Park. Everyone was spraying bug spray because the mosquitos were in abundance and very hungry. The air was thick with spray from thousands of runners even before we started to run. As I began to run hard and inhale faster I had a bad asthma attack and had to run/walk to survive the 5 miles. I used an inhaler at the end and it stopped the attack in its tracks. Needless to say I also have an allergy to pesticides......

I also mentioned to to my MD that I am going for treatments for asthma using NAET. Her response was "if it works stick with it". That was nice to hear. She wants me off of asthma meds altogether it I can do it.
Egg mix -
Calcium mix
Vitamin C mix -
B Complex mix -
Sugar mix -
Iron mix
Vitamin A mix -
Mineral mix
Salt mix -
Grain mix -
Yeast mix

Sugar mix? My employee's son could not digest a certain type of simple sugar. But it is more of an intolerant, than an allergy.

Iron mix? I find that interesting, as our blood is made up of much iron.

Mineral mix? Interesting, wonder what's in it?

Sounds too confusing to me, but I am glad you're doing better.
Sugar mix? My employee's son could not digest a certain type of simple sugar. But it is more of an intolerant, than an allergy.

Iron mix? I find that interesting, as our blood is made up of much iron.

Mineral mix? Interesting, wonder what's in it?

Sounds too confusing to me, but I am glad you're doing better.

Being allergic to "acid" and salt is especially confusing. OTOH, the entire process lacks reproducible test results and violates several laws of physics, so I suppose this doesn't make it any worse.

Being allergic to "acid" and salt is especially confusing. OTOH, the entire process lacks reproducible test results and violates several laws of physics, so I suppose this doesn't make it any worse.


Whatever your opinion there are people being helped everyday using this method. You can deny that it works, you can call it quackery. Nevertheless there are many cases of people being cured after years of illness that traditional medicine could not treat. What I cannot understand is the closed mind in relation to anything you do not understand. We as humans do not have all the answers. I do not to claim that I understand this yet it is working for me. You will probably continue to discredit my attempt to help others through my own experience. My question to you is this:

What have you to gain by working to discredit NAET?
You can deny that it works, you can call it quackery. Nevertheless there are many cases of people being cured after years of illness that traditional medicine could not treat. What I cannot understand is the closed mind in relation to anything you do not understand.

The problem isn't that I don't understand it, it's that I do understand it, and know that it's based on bizarre notions that make even the most new-age-pseudo-medical practitioners scratch their heads, and worse yet, diagnoses "allergies" to many foods/nutrients/substances that are necessary for human life.

What have you to gain by working to discredit NAET?

I hope to prevent unnecessary wallet-lightening as well as having people waste valuable time fixing non-existent problems while not fixing their actual problems.

NAET diagnoses "allergies" where none exist and purports to treat allergies that it cannot, while leaving the victim with the impression that they're cured. For example, NAET claims to treat:

NAET Website:
egg, milk, peanuts, penicillin, aspirin, mushrooms, shellfish, latex, grass, ragweed, flowers, perfume, animal dander, animal epithelial, make-up, chemicals, cigarette smoke, pathogens, heat, cold, other environmental agents

Some of these allergies are quite dangerous. Anybody who uses NAET to "cure" an allergy to penicillin, shellfish or peanuts to name a few, could easily die the next time they encounter the substance, believing themselves to be cured.

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The problem isn't that I don't understand it, it's that I do understand it, and know that it's based on bizarre notions that make even the most new-age-pseudo-medical practitioners scratch their heads, and worse yet, diagnoses "allergies" to many foods/nutrients/substances that are necessary for human life.

I hope to prevent unnecessary wallet-lightening as well as people waste valuable time fixing non-existent problems while not fixing their actual problems.

NAET diagnoses "allergies" where none exist and purports to treat allergies that it cannot, while leaving the victim with the impression that they're cured. For example, NAET claims to treat:

Some of these allergies are quite dangerous. Anybody who uses NAET to "cure" an allergy to penicillin, shellfish or peanuts to name a few, could easily die the next time they encounter the substance, believing themselves to be cured.


There are actual cases of people being cured of very serious and dangerous allergies. You will never believe it.
There are actual cases of people being cured of very serious and dangerous allergies. You will never believe it.

Find me someone with a confirmed (using normal physical observations of hives, swelling, anaphylaxis, etc.) allergy, who was then treated with NAET for that substance, and no longer has any reaction, and I would absolutely beleive it.

Diagnosing random "allergies" that don't exist, then "treating" with ineffective treatments and claiming a "cure" just isn't very convincing.

In fact, it would be really interesting to go to a practitioner's office and swap some of the samples for distilled water, and see how many "diagnoses" are found.

Find me someone with a confirmed (using normal physical observations of hives, swelling, anaphylaxis, etc.) allergy, who was then treated with NAET for that substance, and no longer has any reaction, and I would absolutely beleive it.

Diagnosing random "allergies" that don't exist, then "treating" with ineffective treatments and claiming a "cure" just isn't very convincing.

In fact, it would be really interesting to go to a practitioner's office and swap some of the samples for distilled water, and see how many "diagnoses" are found.


I personally know of someone who took Grapefruit seed extract as a friend told them it was good for them. They broke out in hives over their entire torso while at work. They contacted Dr. Yee who told them to come in right away. They brought in the bottle of grapefruit seed extract and she treated them. On the way back to the office the rash began to clear. Within 45 minutes it was gone entirely. The people in the office were absolutely amazed.
Find me someone with a confirmed (using normal physical observations of hives, swelling, anaphylaxis, etc.) allergy, who was then treated with NAET for that substance, and no longer has any reaction, and I would absolutely beleive it.

Diagnosing random "allergies" that don't exist, then "treating" with ineffective treatments and claiming a "cure" just isn't very convincing.

In fact, it would be really interesting to go to a practitioner's office and swap some of the samples for distilled water, and see how many "diagnoses" are found.


My asthma Is No more!!

Had I not been so desperate, I never would have tried anything as far fetched sounding as NAET® and I would either be dead or still on 4 prophylactic asthma-allergy medications. Even with that I was unable to go anywhere without rescue inhalers & epinephrine (which I used many times a day), and was constantly sick. My first two hospitalizations for pneumonia were when I was under 1 year of age & was in an iron lung. Through out my childhood I was plagued with asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia. But it was not until I reached my mid forties that the worst trouble started: immediate closing of my throat with even minimal contact with molds, perfumes, (certain soaps, shampoos, etc.) or tobacco. I couldn’t consider going to the theater or on public transportation. If air travel was needed, I had to take a gas mask. Constant infections, steroids, etc. took their toll. After NAET® treatments, I can tolerate what would have been life-threatening situations, am off of all of my asthma and allergy medications, am no longer sick all the time, and have a much fuller life. My pulmonologist was shocked at the results. He had done breathing tests before treatments and after. He said my lifelong asthma is completely gone and he has never seen anything like this before. I am now finishing the last of my treatments and am extremely grateful. I am shocked that NAET® is not more well-known and accepted. NAET® is a miracle.

Judy Robbins-Rosenberger
15 Oakley Road
White Plains, NY 10606

Why not write to her and ask her about her experience?
Maybe you could get in touch with these people:

Our daughter Haarnoor and son Nausher had an allergy to peanut butter and had been to the emergency room several times. Just from the smell of it they had been in the hospital. We are not only thankful to Dr Nambudripad but also indebted to her. Today both our daughter and son had peanuts and had no allergic reaction. If there is any way we can be of help or if anyone wants to call us, we will be more than happy to support and sign documents to prove it.
Jumesh and Geetika Walia
Studio City, CA

Nevermind - their e-mail address is no longer valid.

I will continue to look for real people for you to contact.

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